<head> <title>Updates

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new Arizona section with following long pages
HTML clipboard -Heliograph Peak(ow)
HTML clipboard -Az273 White Mountain Rd s(u)
- HTML clipb US191 Mogollan Rim s(u)
HTML clipboard -Az261 White Mountain Rd s(u)
HTML clipboard -US191 Telephone Mesa s(u)
- HT Onion Saddle
-HL Saddle
HTML clipboard -Mt Hopkins(ow)
-Massai Point(ow)
-Kitt Peak(ow)
-Montezuma Pass
-Az78 Three Way - Mule Creek s(u)
HTML clipboard -Mule Pass
HTML clipboard -Middlemarch Pass
HTML clipboard -Stockton Pass
HTML clipboard -FR4058 - FR231 Rosemont Camp(sh)
HTML clipbo -FR62 Box Canyon Rd s(u)
HTML clipboard -FR184 Hopkins Rd - Amado Rd(sh)
changes made to sidebars and tables: All pages are linked from maps

new Wyoming long pages:
-Union Pass
new Idaho long pages:
-Antelope Pass
-Bear Creek Summit
-Fish Creek Summit
-Doyle Creek Rd s(u)
-US93 Craters of the Moon(sh)
-Pine - Featherville Rd s(u)
-FR187 Meadow Creek Rd s(u)
-FR164 Dixie Cutoff Rd s(u)
-New York Summit
-Rabbit Creek Rd s(u)
changes made to sidebars but not to tables: All pages are linked from maps

new Colorado long pages:
-Ute Pass
-Sheephorn Divide
-Kaufman Creek Rd s(u)
-Bear Creek Trail: Dam Overlook(sh)
added descriptions to Colorado pages
-Willow Creek Pass
-Stillwater Pass

new Wyoming pages:
-CR180 Evanston Rd microwave tower s(u)
-CR171 Piedmont Rd s(u)
-Wilkins Peak Rd s(u)
-Green Mountain Rd s(u)
-Green Mtn Rd - Mine Acess Rd(sh)
-Limestone Mountain Rd s(u)
-FR326 s(u)
-FR300 Louis Lake Rd s(u)
-FR532 Warm Springs Rd s(u)
-Togwotee Pass
changes made to sidebars but not to tables: All pages are linked from maps

new Nevada long pages:
-FR14 Manhattan s(u)
-FR26 Powell Canyon s(u)
-Lucky Boy Pass
-Sand Springs Pass
-Earthquake Faults Rd s(u)
-Buffalo Summit
-FR489 Simpson Park Mtns s(u)
-Henderson Summit
-Bailey Pass
-Garden Pass
-Angel Lake(ow)
new Utah long page:
-Leppy Pass
-Lookout Pass
-Fisher Pass
changes made to sidebars but not to tables: All pages are linked from maps

new Utah long pages:
-St George area unnamed summit s(u)-1
new Nevada long pages
-Nv158 Mt Charleston Loop s(u)
-Secret Pass
-E Railroad Springs Rd  - Silver Peak Rd(sh)
-Montezuma summit s(u)
-Goldfield Summit
-Saulsbury Summit
-Warm Springs Summit
-McKinney Tanks Summit
-US6 Tonopah s(u)
new California long pages
-Daylight Pass
total: (co[269] +ut[129] +wy[36] +ca[19] +wa[29] +or[22] +nv[42] +nm[29] +mo[32]  +al[4] +id[27] +eu[323]=974

new Utah long pages:
-Beaver Canyon s(u)-1
-Kent's Lake Rd s(u)
-Paiute Side Trail 005 s(u)
-Clear Creek Rd s(u)
new French Pyrenees long pages:
-Col de Bouesou
-Col de Somport
-Col Marie Blanc
-Col de Labays
-Col d'Ichere
new Spanish Pyrenees long pages:
-Monastario San Juan de Pena s(u)
-Col d'Oroel
-A176 Anso - Garde s(u)
-Castillo Loarre s(u)
total: (co[269] +ut[128] +wy[36] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[22] +nv[33] +nm[29] +mo[32]  +al[4] +id[27] +eu[323]=963

new Utah long pages:
-Marjum Pass
-US6 Tule Valley s(u)
-Steamboat Pass
-Headlight Canyon s(u)
-Headlight Pass
-Black Rock Pass
-Ut130 Cedar City - Minersville
-FR009 Pinto Crest Rd s(u)
-Ut56 Cedar City - New Castle s(u)
-Desert Mount Rd s(u)
-Arrowhead Pass
new Nevada pages:
-Confidence Mine s(u)
-Panaca Summit
-Silver State Trail: section Bennett Pass - Stampede Pass(sh)
total: (co[269] +ut[124] +wy[36] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[22] +nv[33] +nm[29] +mo[32]  +al[4] +id[27] +eu[314]=950

added descriptions to Colorado page:
-French Pass
-Webster Pass
-Loveland Pass

standardized tables for these areas: New Mexico, Utah, Washington

new Croatia long pages:
-E65 Senj - Stinicia s(u)
-5110 Smokvica Senj(sh)
-Paclinica Mirilia Rd(ow)
-63058 Slivnica s(u)
-D106_Pag-Novalja s(u)
-Clis Castle(sh)
-6142 Tugare s(u)
-Dubce Pass
-6167 Logva_Rogoznica
-Telegrin s(u)
-Kosica s(u)
-Hrasovac Pass
-Sveti Jure(ow)
total: (co[269] +ut[113] +wy[36] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[22] +nv[30] +nm[29] +mo[32]  +al[4] +id[27] +eu[314]=936

update: 6/Feb/22(day/month/year) 
new Italian Dolomites long pages:
-Passo Della Pura
-Sella de Chiunzutan
-Passo Croce d'Aune
-Passo Di Veccena
-SS349 Lavarone via SS343 s(u)
-Passo De Redebus
-Monte Grappa jct SP148-SP140 s(u)
-Monte Grappa jct SP140-SP141(sh)
-Monte Di Ragogna s(u)
new Croatia long pages:
-58064 Moscenice - Brsec s(u)
-Poklon s(u)
-5047-5048 Veprinac(sh)
total: (co[269] +ut[113] +wy[36] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[22] +nv[30] +nm[29] +mo[32]  +al[4] +id[27] +eu[300]=922

update: 15/Jan22(day/month/year) 
new German Alps long pages:
-Rossfeldstr s(u)
new Austrian Alps long page:
new Slovenian Alps long pages:
-Cesta na Mangart(ow)
-Predil Pass
new Italian Dolomites long pages:
-Sella de Razzo s(u)
-Passo della Mauria
total: (co[269] +ut[113] +wy[36] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[22] +nv[30] +nm[29] +mo[32]  +al[4] +id[27] +eu[288]=910

update: 5/Aug21(day/month/year) 
new New Mexico long page:
-NM76 Trampas - Chamisal(sh)
-FR639 Truchas Peaks(sh)
-NM4 Valle Calderas s(u)
-NM126 Fenton Lake - jct FR20 s(u)
-NM126 Fenton Hill s(u)
new Colorado long pages:
-FR578 Hermosa Park Rd s(u)
-FR579 Cascade Divide Rd(ow)
-Red Mountain Rd No3 s(u)
-CR14 Ohio Peak area s(u)
-Hoosier Pass (Pike's Peak)
added description to Co page: Corkscrew Pass
total: (co[269] +ut[113] +wy[36] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[22] +nv[30] +nm[29] +mo[32]  +al[4] +id[27] +eu[281]=903

update: 1/Aug21(day/month/year) 
new New Mexico long page:
-Old Raton Pass
-Raton Pass
-Laughlin Peak / Blosser Gap Rd s(u)
-Bobcat Pass
-Red River Pass
-US64 Tres Piedras - Tierra Amarilla s(u)
-NM76 Truchas s(u)
-FR222 Petaca s(u)
new Colorado long pages:
-Skyline Drive s(u)
-Co78 Wet Mountains s(u)
-Wixson Divde
-Bigelow Divide
total: (co[265] +ut[113] +wy[36] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[22] +nv[30] +nm[24] +mo[29+3]  +al[4] +id[27] +eu[281]=891

update: 7/Jan/21(day/month/year) 
new Oregon long page:
-Steens Mountains s(u)
new Colorado long pages:
-Richmond Hill via Taylor Pass s(u)
-South Valley Rd(sh)
added descriptions to Colorado pages
-Stony Pass
-North Cochetopa Pass

total: (co[261] +ut[113] +wy[36] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[22] +nv[30] +nm[16] +mo[29+3]  +al[4] +id[27] +eu[281]=869

update: 7/Jan/21(day/month/year) 
new Idaho long pages:
-Green Canyon Pass
-Sawtell Peak Rd(ow)
-FR406 Franklin Basin Rd s(u)
-Danish Pass
-FR411 Egan Basin s(u)
new Montana long pages:
-Monida Pass
-Big Sheep Creek Divide / Medicine Lodge Pass
-Medicine Lodge Pass Rd(sh)
new Utah long pages:
-FR147 Ephraim's Grave s(u)
new Wyoming long pages:
-Wild Horse Loop s(u)
-White Mountain Rd via Rock Springs(sh)
-Aspen Mtn Rd s(u)
new Colorado long pages:
-CR71 Godiva Rim s(u)
-CR45 Dry Mountain Rd s(u)
-Yellowjacket Pass
total: (co[259] +ut[113] +wy[36] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[21] +nv[30] +nm[16] +mo[29+3]  +al[4] +id[27] +eu[281]=866

update: 20/Dec/20(day/month/year) 
new Idaho long pages:
-Craters of the Moon s(u)
-Loristica Campground s(u)
-Pass Creek Summit
-Corral Creek Summit
-Doublespring Pass
-Horseheaven Pass
-Morgan Creek Summit
-FR28 Williams Lake Rd s(u)
-Williams Creek Summit
-FR128 Salmon area s(u)
new Montana long pages:
-Lolo Pass
-Flathead Pass
-Hyalite Canyon(ow)
total: (co[256] +ut[112] +wy[33] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[21] +nv[30] +nm[16] +mo[29]  +al[4] +id[22] +eu[281]=851

update:  5/Dec/20(day/month/year) 
new Colorado long pages:
-CR78 Elkhead Reservoir(sh)
-CR14N Mantle Ranch Rd(sh)
-CR14 Deer Valley Rd via CR157(sh)
-Harper's Corner Rd via CR16 Miner's Draw R(sh)
new Utah long pages:
-CR4180 Dragon Rd(sh)
-White River Rim -1s(u)
-CR4190 King's Wells Rd s(u)
-CR4170 Southam Canyon Rd s(u)
-Cold Springs SWA(sh)
-Gate Canyon s(u)
-Sand Wash Rd s(u)
new Idaho long pages:
-Mt Harrison(ow)
-Beaverland Pass
-Arco Pass
total: (co[256] +ut[112] +wy[33] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[21] +nv[30] +nm[16] +mo[26]  +al[4] +id[12] +eu[281]=838


update:  12/Nov/20(day/month/year) 
new Montana long pages:
-Big Hole Pass
-Chief Joseph Pass
-Lost Trail Rd s(u)
-FR5621 Como Lake s(u
-Marias Pass
-MacDonald Pass
-Priest Pass
-Mullan Pass
-Stemple Pass
-Flesher Pass
-FR485 Marsh Creek Rd s(u)
-Ottawa Gulch Rd s(u)
new Idaho long pages:
-Brushy Fork - Spruce Creek Divide
-FR595 Lolo Pass - Granite Pass
total: (co[252] +ut[105] +wy[33] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[21] +nv[30] +nm[16] +mo[26]  +al[4] +id[9] +eu[281]=824

update:  2/Apr/20(day/month/year) 
new Utah long pages:
-Smithsonian Butte Rd s(u)
-Kolob Canyon(ow)
-Hancock Rd s(u)
new long Colorado pages:
-Bachelor Loop s(u)
-Canyon Creek Trail s(u)
-Paradise Divide
-Salt Creek Pass
-Brushy Point s(u)
-Colorado Trail m374.2 Spring Creek Pass - Wager Gulch s(u)
-FR185 Aspen Ridge s(u)
-Harper's Corner Rd via Echo Park Rd s(u)
-Tommy's Draw s(u)
added description to Co page:
-Four A Ridge Rd s(u)
total: (co[252] +ut[105] +wy[33] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[21] +nv[30] +nm[16] +mo[14]  +al[4] +id[7] +eu[281]=810

update:  12/Mar/20(day/month/year) 
new Pyrenees long pages:
-Col d'Arnosteguy
-Athaburo s(u)
-Col de Burdincurutcheta
-Col de Ibarburua via D417 s(u)
-Collado de Ibaneta
-Collado de Urkiaga
-Jaizkibe (Alto de)
-Col d'Ibardin
-Col de St Ignace via Sarre s(u)
-Col de Gamia
new Nevada pages:
-Oak Springs Summit
-Hancock Summit
-Pioche s(u)
-Meloy Summit
-Coyote Summit
-Patterson Pass
-Wheeler Peak(ow)
new Utah page:
-Skull Rock Pass
total: (co[243] +ut[102] +wy[33] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[21] +nv[30] +nm[16] +mo[14]  +al[4] +id[7] +eu[281]=798

update:  12/Feb/20(day/month/year) 
new Pyrenees long pages:
-Col de Portet(ow)
-Col d'Azet
-Lac d'Aubert(ow)
-Col de Tente(ow)
-Segus s(u)
-Col des Borderes
new Nevada pages:
-The Summit
-Valley of Fire Rd s(u)
-Lake Mead North Shore Rd s(u)
-Aniversary Mine s(u)
-Lake Mead Blvd s(u)
-Boulder City s(u)
total: (co[243] +ut[102] +wy[33] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[21] +nv[23] +nm[16] +mo[14]  +al[4] +id[7] +eu[271]=781


update:  12/Jan/20(day/month/year) 
new Pyrenees long pages:
-Collado de Ordino
-Collado de la Trava
-Collado d'Arnat
-La Pequera s(u)
-Collado Songuera
-Collado de Montllobar
-Col de Beret
-Col de Bales
-Col de Mente
-Col d'Ares
new Utah pages:
-Hurricane Mesa s(u)
-Ut18 - Snow Canyon(sh)
-Bulldog Pass Rd s(u)
total: (co[243] +ut[102] +wy[33] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[21] +nv[17] +nm[16] +mo[14]  +al[4] +id[7] +eu[263]=767

update:  12/Jan/20(day/month/year) 
new Pyrenees long pages:
-Col d'Aussieres
-Col de Roque Jalere
-Col d'Ausines
-Plateau Salinas s(u)
-Col de Puymorens
-Col de Mel
-Eyne s(u)
-Col de Perche
new Utah pages:
-North Creek Rd s(u)
-Ut261 via Snowflats Rd(sh)
-Ut9 Zion National Park s(u)
-Kolob Terrace s(u)
total: (co[243] +ut[99] +wy[33] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[21] +nv[17] +nm[16] +mo[14]  +al[4] +id[7] +eu[253]=754

update:  5/Jan/20(day/month/year) 
new French Alps long pages:
-Col de Grimone
-Col de Croix Haute
-Col des Pennes
new Pyrenees long pages:
-Tour de Madeloc s(u)
-Colle Mollo
-Col de Palomere
-Col de Jau
new Colorado long pages:
-Turner Gulch Rd s(u)
-FR413 Benchmark Lookout s(u)
-Dolores Canyon Overlook(ow)
-CRK8 Dolores Rim s(u)
total: (co[243] +ut[95] +wy[33] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[21] +nv[17] +nm[16] +mo[14]  +al[4] +id[7] +eu[245]=742

update:  20/Dec/19 (day/month/year) 
new French Alps long pages:
-Col de Croix de Toutes Aures
-Col de Romeyere
-Tunnel du Morier s(u)
-Font d'Urle s(u)
-Col de la Machine via D2 s(u)
-Col de Carri
-Col de l'Echarasson
-Col de Praletang
-Col de la Bataille
-Col de Rousset
-Col de Menee
added description to Colorado page:
-Engineer Pass
total: (co[239] +ut[95] +wy[33] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[21] +nv[17] +nm[16] +mo[14]  +al[4] +id[7] +eu[238]=731

update:  1/Feb/19 (day/month/year) 
total: (co[239] +ut[95] +wy[33] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[21] +nv[17] +nm[16] +mo[14]  +al[4] +id[7] +eu[227]=720[corrected total]

update:  1/March/19 (day/month/year)
new Idaho long pages:

       Galena Summit  (pvd)

        Old White Bird HIll Rd s(u) (pvd)


FR487 Squaw Creek Rd - Seven Devils Rd  (unpaved)

     FR538 Oakley - Rogerson Rd s(u)

more Idaho long pages:
Galena Old Toll Rd Trail s(u)

White Bird Hill Rd(sh)
Banner Summit
Banner Ridge Rd s(u)
Brownlee Summit
Elba Pass
Emery Pass

FR487 Squaw Creek Rd - Seven Devils Rd s(u)

FR544 Indian Springs Rd(sh)
FR2028 Skookumchuck Rd(sh)
Mores Creek Summit

Trail Creek Summit
Beaver Creek Summit
Pike Mtn s(u)
total: (co[239] +ut[95] +wy[33] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[21] +nv[17] +nm[16] +mo[14]  +al[4] +id[23] +eu[227]=733

update:  25/Jan/19 (day/month/year) 
new Colorado short pages:
Bolam Pass
Carnero Pass
Jones Pass
Ophir Pass
Scotch Creek Pass
Tincup Pass

Wheeler Trail s(u)
total: (co[127+77+35] +ut[72+10] +wy[33] +ca[18] +wa[29] +or[21] +nv[17] +nm[16] +mo[14]  +al[4] +id[7] +eu[164+63]=702


