Warm Springs Summit
This is the third in a series of
five gentle summits on US6, as it hops along its
way from Tonopah to Ely. At this point the road
crosses the Hot Creek Range.
From West. a gentle
straight climb through sage. The summit has a sign
complete with elevation
From East. (described
downwards) During my ride, and I suspect in many
others, the wind played a bigger role than the
grade, when going up or down. Past the summit the
road makes an unusually drastic change of
direction heading north. And with that changes the
fortune as far as the wind is concerned. All of a
sudden the bike took on velocity all of its own,
like a magic space ship being drawn to the
unexplained. Enjoying the scenery from a
selfpropelled bicycle, the ruins of the Warm
Springs Cafe and Bar adorn the intersection with
Nv375, nicknamed the Extraterrestrial Highway.
Continuing on Nv375, the road resumes the former
eastward coarse, and reaches a low point along a
dry lakebed, in my case obscured by blowing dust,
which seemed to expand into an ever larger grey
triangle as I was approaching. The profile ends at
a junction near the low point along the lakebed.
