Col de la Perche
This is one of the main traffic
crossings between Prades in France and Puigcerda
in Spain. Traffic can be pretty heavy, but there
is also a good shoulder for the most part above
Olette. I saw several other cyclists along the
route. But alternatives exist, that are sometimes
not immediately apparent just from a casual glance
at the map. But the other routes do not follow
this fairly spectacular canyon route with a train,
with traction assistance, formidable climbing
competition for any bicycle.
WEST: intersection west of Puigcerda
3.(08.6km,1310m)turnoff to Eina and its
4.(17.8km,1579m)TOP: Col de la Percha and
second turnoff to Eina
5.(20.5km,1560m)Mont Louis s(u)
7.(40.0km,0620m)START-END EAST: Olette
From West. (described
from end of profile, moving left) The lower part
of this approach is the most difficult from a
traffic standpoint. There is not much room for the
road in the canyon below Olette, and its crowd
drawing village walls. One obvious alternate way
to climb up to the same plateau and, is via the
higher Col de Llose. Other options probably exist
using very narrow small paved roads.
The profile starts in Olette. The road climbs
together with the Tren Jaune out of the canyon.
The bridges and tunnels of the railline are an
added attraction to the scenery. Much of the rail
line can be seen from the road. Fontpedreuse hangs
by the hillside, its houses not having slipped off
the steep slope into the canyon below, since the
many hundred years it was built - to the best of
my knowledge. The road has an especially
interesting vantage point on this village from a
little above.
Now the road is getting serious about getting out
of the canyon and onto the plateau. After a series
of switchbacks even the railroad with its traction
devices remain below, its tracks hanging above the
gorge with the help of an adventurous suspension
As the road gets to the top, it becomes clear
that this is a broad rounded plateau like top,
covered with many other summit points. It feels
like the highest point of the road is right below
the Mt Louis fort, part of the Maginot defensive
line during WW2. However, checking the profile
validates that Col de la Perche is actually the
highest point, even if just by 20 meters. The pass
itself is a busy spot. It contains a pass sign,
surrounded by houses, businesses and traffic.
left: climbing
across from the Tren Jaune tracks.
below both: Fontpedreuse

left: descending from Mont Louis
on what is called the western
From East. (described
downwards, moving left on the profile). Going down
this side, there are several options that are more
attractive on a bicycle than this main road. They
include the Eyne summit
and the ride through Bolquere, pictures and
profile included in the
Col de Mel page.
But here are a few notes on the profiled route
along the main road anyway. N116 drops and crosses
Col Rigat, just a shoulder point. The Tren Jaune
runs immediately next to the road here, and enters
a short tunnel, signed with the pass.
The last switchbacks down into Saillago have an
especially expansive overview of the trainline, so
that chances are best for actually seeing one of
these modern appearing, yet slowly crawling two
car trains.
cLiCk on image , arrows
, or thumbnails to advance slideshow
A Dayride with this point as shoulder summit is
on page: Col de Mel