FR4058 - FR231 Rosemont
This is one of many confusing
jeep trail summits in the foohills to the east
of the Santa Rita Range. I thought this would
be a good alternative to the FR62
Box Canyon summit, but actually it takes
quite a bit longer.
Sahuarita Rd - Az83
2.Rosemont Jct, profile turns right onto
3.TOP, jct FR4058 - FR231, 5290ft
4.profile turns west onto FR62
5.profile turns right onto paved White
House Canyon Rd
6.START-END EAST:low point on
Continental Dr, east of I19
From East. The intial
section of FR231 is fairly benign. But past
Rosemont Junction, the most obvious route to
follow continues onto FR4058 and becomes very
sandy, so that walking for short stretches may
be called for. There are no views of interest
until the road climbs a little higher and nears
its summit, the junction with FR4058. This
last section has a jeep trail character, deep
ruts but not very rocky. The highest point is at
the confusing junction of these two forest
roads. The way back down means a hard left,
which my map still contradicts.
From West. (described
downwards) A steep short decent leads to the
junction with FR62, and the profile includes
practically all of the western approach to that
gravel road summit.
Dayride with this point as
highest summit:
( <
Rd - Mt Hopkins Rd(sh) |
Mission Rd s(u)
> )
FR4058-FR231 Rosemont(sh) , FR62
Box Canyon Rd s(u) , Az83 Sonoita -
Mountain View s(u) : White House Canyon
Rd at ~3460ft > jct with FR62 Box Canyon Rd
<> out and back to end of Madera Canyon
Rd(ow) >> FR62 Box Canyon Rd east >
FR62 Box Canyon Rd s(u) > Az83 north >
Az83 Sonoita - Mountain View s(u) > FR231
west > Rosemont Jct > FR4058 south west
> Rosemont Camp > FR4058 -FR231
Rosemont(sh) > FR231 south > FR62 Box
Canyon Rd west > back to starting point on
Madera Canyon Rd at ~3460ft: 50.6miles with
5020ft of climbing in 5:47hrs (garmin etrex 32x