Flathead Pass
The two approaches to this
low crossing in the Bridger Range are
opposites of one another in every aspect.
I like the eastern side better.
Dry Creek Rd - Pass Creek Rd
2.Pass Creek Rd meets Rocky Mtn Rd.
It continues a little to the south
3.National Forest boundary
4.TOP: 6920ft, Flathead Pass
5.jct with alternate approach of
stock trail road
6.jct with Middle Fork Flathead
Creek Rd
7.START-END EAST: jct Mo86 -
Flathead Pass Rd
From West. This is
a steep ATV trail, staying at the bottom of
small canyon. The bottom is ridable, the top
rather less. The top comes quickly and is
shared with a power line.
East. (also described upwards). A
good all weather gravel road with a hint of
hard surface leaves Mt86 at a sign. In the
open rangeland the views of the Bridger
Range are exceptional, except during forest
fire season. Progress is fast on this the
roller coaster road road, bouncing around
between a few scenic farms. Entering the
National Forest, progress becomes a little
less fast, and the views of the mountains
are relegated behind trees. There is an
unnamed intersection, that is less of a
problem when you go up this side. But coming
down it actually appears to have more
traffic diverting towards the north, than
this approach so far. But the option to the
north deteriorates into a very slow trail.
From here to the
top the climb remains relatively shallow
except for very short climbs. An
exceptionally wide road reaches the summit,
where it suddently turns into a jeep trail
on the other side
Alternate Approach from
East: (described downwards). Going
down the northerly way at the jct mentioned
above, the road becomes gradually less and
less used, then crosses a creek at about
6000ft. On the other side an even less used
ATV trail climbs again to 6400ft and shows
no signs of ending after 5.3 miles. At this
point it became too hot to follow it further
down for me on this ride. But it showed no
signs of ending
Dayride with this point
as highest summit
( <
Gulch Rd s(u) |
Canyon(ow) > )
Flathead Pass x2 , unnamed-1(sh) : National
Forest land boundary on west side of
Flathead Pass Rd > up Flathead Pass Rd
> Flathead Pass > jct with unnamed
road <> out and back beyond a low
point (~6000ft), over another high point
(~6403ft) on this road to turnaround point
back up at 6200ft >> down east side of
Flathead Pass Rd << turnaround point
at jct with pavement on Mt86 > back over
Flathead Pass > back to starting point on
west side of Flathead Pass: 35.1miles with
4120ft of climbing in 5:14hrs (garmin
etrex30 m3:20.8.23)..
Notes: I'll consider this one a
preparation ride for the real thing
someday. It was so hot and hazy that you
could barely make out an outline of a
mountain, during yet another record fire
season in California sending smoke and
heat this way.