In the huge summit parking lot
are two monuments, one dedicated to
Roosevelt and his public land policies, the
other one to "Stevens the Second", who is
described further in the history section
below. The consensus seems to be that the
exploring Stevens in his stocking cap makes
a much more handsome monument, than the
abstract obelisk, dedicated to Theodore
Roosevelt. In any case - they are definitely
located too close to one another, and the
style and contents of the two very different
monuments clash. But then - for a parking
lot it's pretty good.
The best thing about this side
is, there is an open constant great view of
the peaks to the north until you reach the
Continental Divide
Dayride with this point as highest summit:
( <
Lolo Pass - Granite Pass s(u) |
Pass > )
Marias Pass x2 : US2 near Flathead
River access, Walton Ranger Station <>
US2 west <> Marias Pass <> West
Glacier <> a few miles of separate out
and backs on US2 towards Browning and Mt49
north : 66.1miles with 3410ft of climbing in
5:43hrs (garmin etrex30 r5:20.7.6).
It does not seem, that Marias Pass would be
difficult to find, even without a major
highway going through it. It is a major
demarcation between Canadian type Rockies
(even though they are still in the US) to
the north and the straight ridgeline "basin
and range" type Rockies to the south. And it
is true that its location, or at least
existence has been known, since the earliest
pass history in America. But finding it and
using this knowledge has been a major
problem, that probably altered history.
Marias Pass is the lowest Continental Divide
Crossing in the US. But it is not the
easiest. Just think of New Mexico where the
CD often runs along a shallow breadloaf on a
high plain.

None other than
Merriweather Lewis from "Lewis and Clarke"
fame explored the first 30 miles of this
pass from the east. They also named
it. But both gentlemen agreed, that
they should continue their westward
exploration towards the Pacific coast up the
south trending Missouri. Had they crossed
the Continental Divide here, a relatively
easy path to the coast would have taken
hardly any time at all, and we would not
have the adventurous stories of Sacajawea
the Indian guide, scouting for horses to get
Lemhi Pass,
trouble with Blackfeet Indians, that
resulted in deaths, and much bad blood
between Blackfeet Indians and white people.
The latter would further complicate the
history of Marias Pass. Without it the story
would be much shorter. But instead of
crossing it, Clarke just named the pass
after cousin Maria, whom he would marry
later. In hindsight this makes such a
consequential decision. But Marias
Pass is not on the Lewis and Clarke thread,
because they did not cross it.
Instead the impetus to explore it and use
it, came from economic reasons and from
north of the border. Within a couple of
years after Lewis and Clarke, David Thompson
had been crossing the Continental Divde at
Howse Pass (which is a trail today,
accessible from the Icefields Parkway) from
the east in Canada and then float down it
into today's Montana, in order to track and
trade trinkets for furs. He approached this
area from Coeur d'Alene region, ie the west.
National boundaries and the control of the
two competing fur companies (Thompson's
North-West company, and the American
Hudson's Bay company) were not yet defined
at this time of initial exploration.
Howse Pass had suited Thompson just fine up
to this point. But Indian problems, that had
their root in the initial conflicts with
Lewis and Clarke (mentioned above) made it
seem to Thompson, that Howse Pass had become
a very troublesome route. And so in 1810,
Thompson, accompanied by Flathead guides
explored up the middle fork of the Flathead
River. All were armed with rifles. At the
top of the pass they were ambushed by
Blackfeet, armed with bows and arrows. The
guns won the battle, but lost any prospect
for the peaceful use of trading and tracking
by any fur companies for the rest of time.
Thompson instead scouted for high passes in
the Canadian Rockies, and reached such
out-of-the-way mountaineering goals as
Athabasca Pass, instead of this throughfare
that would one day contain a major highway.
The Stevens Survey. From now
on the location of this pass was general
knowledge for those people that had a
economic or national interest in it. But
finding it would be a problem, much of it
because of its initial hostile Blackfeet -
Whites relationship.
The next person tasked to find it, by all
accounts, didn't actually try to find it
very hard. It is now many years later, 1853.
But Montana, part of Washington territory,
remains a wilderness, except for an enclave
around St Mary's Mission which father DeSmet
built at the eastern base of
Lolo Pass
in 1841.
But this is about to change with the
governor of Washington territory, Isaac
Ingalls Stevens, about to unleash his
Stevens Survey, in order to help progress in
economic prosperity and maybe a
transcontinental railroad across Montana.
The person tasked with exploring the pass,
was his chief engineer and his former fellow
student at Andover, Frederick W. Lander.
Lander would later pioneer the Lander cutoff
of the Oregon trail. But apparently at this
time the relationship was hampered by army
routines such as 4am breakfasts, and other
army dutys, such as prescribed trout
catching and showers. When Lander and his
handfull of men returned from their mission,
they had crossed Lews and Clarke Pass, and
pioneered a mountaineering route in the
Sapphire Range - anything but exploring
Marias Pass.
The Railroads. From now on, finding
Marias Pass again, would be up to railroad
people themselves. After all they had the
most to gain from it too. The relationship
with the Indians on the east side of the
pass had not improved, probably even
worsened, because of an imported small pox
Finally Stevens asked his old friend, W A
Tinkham, a civil engineer for the railroad
to take a look at the pass. In October 1853,
Tinkham was ready to approach the area from
the west, having crossed the Continental
Divide first from the east over Cadotte Pass
(an old historic trail west of Helena,
parallel to today's
Donald Pass). Tinkham was not scared
of Blackfeet, but apparently no trail
blazer. He came back describing a mountain
pass 7600ft high - more than 2000ft than the
real Marias Pass "with a bare rocky ridge
... often just wide enough for the feet of a
horse. ... - a great description of a trail
to Pitamkan Pass in today's Glacier National
Park, but not so fitting for Marias Pass.
James Doty was a technichan for the
railroad, with Tinkham as a superior. James
Doty was a skeptic. During an explorational
outing with only three men next May, in
order to have a look at British North
America, Waterton Lake and other places, he
met an Indian who showed him the loation of
Marias Pass, and also also the location of
the pass 20 miles to the north where he
claimed Tinkham crossed. But - convincing a
superior in a company structure of his
errors may not always be the wisest thing to
do, and so Doty the technician, kept quiet,
and missed having a major landmark named
after him, like Tinkham. And so the Stevens
Pacific survey of 1853 ended with the Marias
Pass matter unresolved. The survey managed
to put the previousely unreported
Nez Perce Pass
on the map, and explored Lewis and Clarke's
Lolo Pass.
But the Marias Pass matter would have to
wait till the other side of the Civil War
After 1870 the Canadian James Gerome Hill
found himself as owner of a number of
rairoads in the north central part of North
America. From the east these roads reached
Butte. But Hill wanted to connect the rails
to Puget Sound, and he wanted to call them
the Great Northern Railroad. Now it was
Hill's turn to order people around to find
him a route. The first was the major stake
holder in the railroad, a certain Major
Rogers. He favored what is now Roger's Pass.
When it came to Marias Pass his contact
person died and Rogers turned in an
"incomplete", much like Lander did to
And again it is a case of "file and rank to
the rescue". The chain of command was
looking for somebody to do the job. The
process drilled downwards, and included
threatening to rescind a promotion of chief
engineer E F Beckler, further down to John F
Stevens, no relation to the govenor of
Washington territory. This Stevens was a
first class axman, and instrument handler
without engineer training, who had worked
before on the Rio Grande Railway over
Tennesee Pass
Fremont Pass.
The new Stevens approached the area from the
east through hostile Blackfeet territory.
His outfit was limited to a wagon, a mule
and horse, snowshoes and other minor things.
He had an assistant but he reportetly was
not of much help because of a whiskey
problem. Blackfeet guides refused to work
for him, because of continued "bad spiriit
activity". But an outcast Flathead guide
finally lead him as far as the location
known as "False Summit" on a cold December
11, 1889. The spot acquired its name later
because a team of railroad surveyors
mistakenly identified it as the Continental
Divide Crossing and the real summit. The
spot is marked on many maps today. From
there Stevens reportedly surveyed the pass
alone in deep snow and freezing conditions.
Stevens was not only promoted to Chief
Engineer in 1893. Long after HIll's death
the railroad commissioned a scupture of the
intrepid explorer for the top of the pass.
It can still be admired today, and railroad
management has left no stone unturned, to
capitalize on this heroic story of
Modern Highways. The 57 miles of road
over the pass were inspired in 1917 by the
new Glacier National Park. Enter the
Flathead Motorclub into history, exit the
Flathead Indian guides. They convinced the
rest of the world, that the park needed road
access from the east. The road opened on
July 19,1930. Only three years later,
a more spectacular motoring road opened
parallel to old Marias Pass: Going to the
Sun Road over