Medicine Lodge Rd via Cabin Creek
This summit point is a nice
summit for an easy day ride through
favorite Montana landscape on the GDMBR.
It is located on the Medicine Lodge Rd to
Big Sheep Creek Divide / Medicine
Lodge Pass. The point only becomes a
summit point, when combined with an
approach up Cabin Creek Rd. The profile
forms a loop completely on the south side
of Medicine Lodge Pass, and traverses this
impressive wide sprawling high mountain
EAST-1:turnoff to Deadwood Gulch
campground from Big Sheep Creek Rd
2.profile turns onto Cabin Creek Rd
3.profile turns back onto Medicine
Lodge Rd, towards left
4.TOP. 7700ft
5.START-END EAST-2:same as point 2
From East -1. When
traveling up Medicine Lodge Road towards the
pass with the same name, you reach a well
signed turnoff onto a less traveled road:
"Cabin Creek Road". This options is actually
a little shorter to the pass than the main
road, but will take longer anyway. The main
advantage, as I see it, is that it climbs
further up the south facing slopes and gives
some incredible views onto a long sweeping
portion of the crest of the Beaverhead
range. The road often takes on an "abandoned
road" character with grass covering the
tracks. It crosses several unlocked gates,
and there are also several unsigned
junctions. Other junctions are signed with a
simple arrow in direction of the through
going road. Personally I had no problems
identifying the less used spurs, and staying
on the main track. The road merges back onto
the Medicine Lodge Pass road, about 200ft
below the summit. So close - you might as
well take a look at that point too.
However the profile goes down
from here. The Medicine Lodge Pass road
unexpectedly swerves back to the north and
climbs to a point that is a little higher
than the highest point on the Cabin Creek
East -2. (described downwards). This
is along straight roll down an almost
visually imperceptible slope - but the bike
rolls fast without pedaling. After an
uninterrupted viewing experience of 270
degrees of mountains, the road meets the
other approach at the "Cabin Creek Road"
cLiCk on image ,
arrows , or thumbnails to advance