Hrashovac Pass
This is a main road from the
coast inland through the Biokovo Natural
area. It has much less traffic than you
would suspect from a main road (at least
in November). If looking for scenery I
would suggest the slightly higher,
adjacent Kozica
point on D62 near the turnoff to an
A1 interchange
2.TOP, 600m
3.turnoff to Kozica Pass
4.turnoff to road to Sveti Jure
5.profile turns down alternate
approach to Podgora
6.START-END EAST: low point in

From East. The
profile starts on a low point of straight
throughfare along the valley. Soon
afterwards the route turns right onto D512.
It looks like a small mellow climb on a
supermodern, wide road, cresting in gentle
dwarf forest hills. Before you get to that
point there is a turnoff to a nearby
deserted village. They always seem to have
just one house that makes a lived in
Surprise - this not even close
to the summit. Even if there is no real
climbing left to be done, the road rolls
over the karsted plateau, collecting small
villages along the way for many kms. These
give a fairly modern appearance. The actual
summit is one of these rolling points.

West. (described downwards) But the
best part comes where the road crosses the
last minicule saddle point on the ridge
adjacent to the coast. A 90 degree right
turn is followed by a succession of small
turns that wind along the cliffs above the
sea. The coastal road gives a different
appearance from up here. From here it looks
like it is running along a relatively wide
shelf of land. To the north Dubce Pass marks
a gap to the cliffs north.
You could just keep rolling
straight into Makarska. But the profile
turns right onto 6198, which is much more
biking friendly, passing through a rustic
village. There is an even narrower and
steeper village route shown in the Kozica
Pass page, which reaches a little higher and
is scenically superior to this route.
cLiCk on image ,
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A Dayride with this point
as highest point is on page: Kozica Pass