FR184 Hopkins Rd - Amado Rd(sh)
The page on this small
unimportant summit exists, just because of
some rules, that I made up on how to organize
these pages, because what good are rules if
you only follow them sometimes: One of these
rules is: Rides appear on pages with the
highest two-approach summit, under all
circumstances, even if it pales in comparison
to any one-approach (out and back) summit.
Only if there is no two-approach summit at all
on the ride, does the ride go on the page
describing the out-and back approach. The
point here is a low junction between the two
lower approach options to the Mount Hopkins
Rd. Even if it is not a big climb up to
this point. This is a very beautiful place, a
great viewing platform onto the Santa Rita
Mountains during late light.
1.START-END SOUTH:low point
on Amado Rd, about a km from the
fronatage road and Amado
2.TOP, road turns down Mt Hopkins Rd,
3.START-END NORTH:low point on Elephant
Head Rd, immediately after jct with I19
frontage road.
From South. The Amado
Road turnoff from the I19 frontage road is
signed. It crosses a dry arroyo, then some
railroad tracks and then follows an alluvial fan
covered with fantastic cacti to its jct with the
Mt Hopkins Rd
From North.
(described downwards). The entire decent is
paved, albeit with very rough asphalt containing
rocks. Mt Hopkins Rd merges on Elephant Head Rd,
and that is the sign to look for when looking
for this road from the I19 frontage Rd.
cLiCk on image , arrows
, or thumbnails to advance slideshow
Dayride with this point as
highest summit:
( < same page |
- FR231 Santa Rita Mtns s(u) > )
FR184 Mt Hopkins Rd - Amado Rd s(u) ,
additional out and back: partially up
Amado Rd > up Amado Rd > FR184 Mt Hopkins
Rd - Amado Rd s(u) > down FR184 Mt Hopkins Rd
> jct with Elephant Head Rd <> out and
back to various apparent dead ends on Elephant
Head Rd >> down Elephant Head Rd > I19
frontage rd north > <> Continental Rd
west << with turnaround point at 3840ft
> lost detours in suburban dead end
development near jct with I19 > I19 frontage
road south > back to starting point on Amado
Rd: 51.5miles with 1890ft of climbing in 4:14hrs
(garmin etrex32x m6:24.11.23)
Notes: If this was not the cold part of the
year I would say this ride was on the verge of
being too hot on this 24th November. On the
way back I had a few miles in common with the
102 miles "tour de Tuscon".
( <
Mule Pass |
same page > )
FR184 FR184 Amado Rd - Hopkins Rd(sh) ,
additional out and back: a short
distance on FR184 from its jct with I19 frontage
Rd > up FR184 > FR184 Amado Rd - Mt
Hopkins Rd(sh) <> out and back to point
where road is closed on Mt Hopkins Rd(ow)
>> down Mt Hopkns Rd > I19 frontage Rd
south <> out and back to end of paved
frontage Rd: 41.2miles with 4300ft of climbing
in 4:29hrs (garmin etrex32x
Notes: The main objective was the one way
summit on Mt
Hopkins. I met Hans from the
Netherlands and we rode the way up together
on this incredibly warm day