South Valley Road
Even never leaving suburban
Denver, there are a number of small,
interesting climbs in the hogback ridges of
the western suburbs. This is one of the most
popular. There are number of different summit
points in between these upscale suburban
developments. But they all share the amazing
rock monument scenery of South Valley Park, on
the south side of this approach.

START-END NORTH: jct Bear Creek Path -
Sheridan Ave
02.(5390ft,mile02) jct: Bear Creek Path
- Wadsworth Ave.
03.(5400ft,mile03) jct: Bear Creek Path
- Garrison Ave bike route
04.(5510ft,mile04) jct: Bear Creek Path
- Morrison Rd. Route follows road into
Golf Course
05.(5680ft,mile06) intermediate high
point on Bear Creek Damn, north of lake
06.(5680ft,mile07) profile turns left
onto C470 path
07.(5810ft,mile12) intermediate high
point on south side of Bear Creek
Reservoir, near intersection with Quincy
08.(5950ft,mile14) C470 bike path -
Bowles Ave(sh)
09.(5890ft,mile16) jct C470 bike path -
Ken Caryl Ave
10.(6060ft,mile) TOP: South Valley
Rd(sh), also intersection with Valley
11.(5750ft,mile) profile turns left down
Deer Creek Canyon
12.(5620ft,mile) jct with Ute Dr on
left. Profile stays right
13.(5520ft,mile) START-END SOUTH: jct
Deer Creek Canyon - Wadsworth Blvd.
Profile turns west, shortly thereafter
left into Chatfield state park
14.(5440ft,mile) START-END SOUTH ALT:
Chatfield reservoir water access

From North. Between points
1 and 8, the profiled route is the same as the
one to C470
bike path - Bowles Ave(sh). At point 8 the
profiled route turns right onto Ken Karyl Blvd.
At the first jct, going right onto North Valley Blvd
is also an option, leading a few feet higher,
which then merges back into the profile at the
Following South Valley Rd, a short
climb on a four lane road leads to the top.
There is also a bike path on the east side of
the road, but it doesn't seem to get much use
From South. (described
downwards). Shortly after the summit, there is
an access area to South Valley Park on the east
side of the road. I often pass this way roughly
around lunch time and the elaborate picknick
shelters make a great lunch spot. On a nice day
it's amazing how many cyclists you see climbing
up form Turkey Creek Canyon.
The rest of the short descent is
some the nicest scenery that suburban Denver has
to show off. These are the nature sculptured
rock outcrops behind the first hogback. The
profile continues down Deer Creek Canyon. Taking
a left at point 12 onto Ute Drive, makes it
possible to get back onto the C470 path after a
tiny climb. The profile goes to the start of
Deer Creek Canyon road, where many bikers park
their cars, and a little further to the shores
of Chatfield Reservoir.