CR14N Mantle Ranch Rd(sh)
This is a mountain/gravel
bikers back way into the Dinosaur Canyon
area. The road connects Echo Park, and
other points near the confluence of the
Green and Yampa Rivers with the rest of
the world from the east. Unlike the
connection from the west over Harper's
Corner road, both sides of this
rolling climb are unpaved. The most
interesting and scenic part is the upper
climb on the west side.
US40 Bear Valley Ranch Rd
2.TOP: 7200ft, Mantle Ranch Rd s(u)
3.profile turns right, staying on
Mantle Ranch Rd
4.START-END WEST: Mantle Ranch area,
next to Yampa River
From East. On this
side the profile uses Bear Valley Ranch Rd
to approach the summit from US40. There are
two other possibilities for the lower
approach, described as nearby shoulder
summits. There are two short sandy stretches
before the road approaches the first canyon
rim. After that the surface is great for
biking all the way through. After the route
merges onto CR14N
Mantle Ranch Road. one of the next
three successive bumps in the road is the
highest point. If one stays left at the last
junction before the summit, ie. stay on Bear
Valley Road you cross a higher point on the
plateau, but miss all of the great scenery.
West. (described downwards) And
that comes during the first part of the
descent. The views are much more compelling
during the morning, when the direction of
the sun lights up the distant canyon walls
below. All the good views are towards the
west. In spring the Uinta mountains are a
wedge of white ice, seen in the distance,
framed by a V shaped cliff.
The road descends between a
matchstick forest of small, dead trees to a
green bench between the Yampa river and Blue
Mountain. The river is still left to the
imagination, somewhere beyond the end of the
green plain. Even if climbing back out on
this side, by far the most energy is spent
on the ups and downs, that this bench road
needs to negotiate around the sidecanyons.
The course of the flowing water that made
this landscape maze is often a mystery.
Climbing out of the canyon to this summit is
just an afterthought, in terms of the
cLiCk on image ,
arrows , or thumbnails to advance
Dayride with this point
as highest summit:
( <
Elkhead Reservoir(sh) |
Deer Valley Rd via CR157 (sh) > )
CR14N Mantle Ranch Rd(sh) x2 : point
along Bear Valley Rd, ~5miles from US40 at
6720 ft <> Bear Valley Rd west
<> Mantle Ranch Rd(sh) <> down
CR14N Mantle Ranch Rd <> turnaround
point roughly where Blind Canyon crosses
road: 47.0miles with 4470ft of climbing in
5:20hrs (garmin etrex30 m:20.5.9).