King's Wells Road -1 s(u)
Surprise- this point turned
out to be the highest point, one on a loop
ride in the maze of gas well roads, with
mostly excellent bikable surfaces, in the
Bookscliffs area, that adjoins or is part
of, the Uinta Basin in Utah. Other points
on the loop ride below offer more
interesting scenery than this one.
King's Wells Rd crosses a dry stream
bed, after first summit from jct
with Asphalt Wash
3.START-END EAST: intermediate low
point on road at 5320ft
From West. The
approach starts at a big signed intersection
in the maze of the Uinta basin mining roads.
Two of the intersecting roads are CR4160
Asphalt Wash, and another is CR4190 Kings
Wells. The profile follows the Kings Wells
Road in a straight shallow climb to a
plateau top. It almost appears like a plain
on top
From East. From
the intersection at the top, the road
descends into a bleak shallow canyon, just
about 500ft drop, only to repeat the
exercise with the next summit Kings Wells Rd
s(u) -2.
Dayride with this point
as highest summit:
( < White
River West Rim-1 s(u) | Cold
Springs SWA(sh) > )
CR4190 Kings Wells -1 s(u) , CR4190 Kings
Wells -2 s(u) , CR4190 Kings Wells Rd -
CR4180 Dragon Rd(sh) , CR4170
Southam Canyon Rd s(u) :
~.5miles from jct Ut45 - Southam Canyon Rd
> Southham Canyon Rd s(u) > Asphalt
Wash Rd south > CR4190 King's Wells Rd
east > CR4190 Kings Wells Rd -1 s(u) >
CR4190 King's Wells Rd -2 s(u) > CR4190
Kings Wells Rd - CR4180 Dragon Rd(sh) >
CR4180 Dragon Rd north > back to starting
point on Southam Canyon Rd : 43.8miles with
3640ft of climbing in 4:28hrs (garmin
etrex30 m3:20.5.17)
Notes: first ride this year that was
definitely tooo hot.