Castillo de Loarre s(u)/(ow)
The next best thing to a road over
the mountains is a road along the mountains (I
think). Sometimes it is even better, like when a
storm is in the mountains but it is friendly,
sunny and windy on the downslope side. This is
such a road along the mountains. A one-way
summit climbs up to an impressive and
touristically important castle and delivers far
sweeping views onto the receding foothills of
the Pyrenees until they disappear completely and
dissolve into a plain.
2.profile turns left into village Loarre
3.TOP: shortly before reaching access road
to castillo, 830m
4.profile rejoins A1206
5.low point, immediately before reaching
From West. From Ayerbe a
fairly narrow, but well paved road follows what
could be described as the boundary between
foothills and plain. But it climbs high enough for
great views. Rather than taking the signed
main turnoff to the castle, this side of the
profile follows a route signed "for tourists only
-in Spanish" through the village Loarre and meets
the main road after a small narrow climb above the
village. It is easier to find this from the other
From East. Actually
this is the road you are most likely to go up,
when you follow the signs for the castle. The
highest point of the two way summit is the
junction with the other approach, really the only
paved turnoff from the climb (at least that I can
Out and Back to Castillo de
Loarre one-way summit
2.turnoff to village Loarre, profile
continues straight
3.profile turns left on Castillo access
4.alternate route through Loarre joins
from left
5.TOP:parking lot before castillo, 1080m
climb is signed for cyclists with upcoming average
grade data each km. But you might miss a few
because of distraction by amazing views of the
village below, grouped around the church tower, or
the castle above with an unusual solitary tower
inside the mighty castle walls. This is quite a
steep climb with several switchbacks, and tourist
traffic on the weekends can be considerable. But
drivers seem to be very cycle friendly and like to
cheer them on.
At the summit are many possibilities
for mountain or gravel bikers, including going
down to the village Aines
cLiCk on image , arrows ,
or thumbnails to advance slideshow
Dayride with this point as
highest summit:
( < Alto de Zuriza
| Puerto Sierra
Major > )
Castillo de Laorre s(u) : a short distance
east of Ayerbe > A1206 east <> out and
back to Sarsamacuello <> separate out and
back to Linas Sarsamacuello >> A1206 east
> Castillo de Laorre s(u) via main road
<> out and back Castillo de Laorre(ow)
>> Laorre > A1206 east > Bolea >
Pulibulea << turnaround point in Linea >
A1206 west > Aines > back A1206 via
different access road > A1206west back to
starting point east of Ayerbe: 48.7miles with
4800ft of climbing in 5:32hrs (garmin etrex30
Notes: quite a bit of time spent walking around
Castillo de Loarre, Bolea and Pulibulea