FR147 Ephraim's Grave s(u)
This is one of many summits
in the sage country hills east of the
crest of the Bear River Range. Ephraim is
allegedly the last sighted grizzly bear in
Utah, and the grave is marked on many
maps, including the de Lorme Gazeteer map.
A jeep tourist along the way told me the
bear was 11ft tall, according to legend,
and his skull was displayed on the Utah
State University Campus in Logan. In
reality there seems to be no grave sight
or marker, or memorial plaque of any kind,
anywhere in the vicinity of where the
sight is marked on the map. The
surface of this road is better suited for
a mountain bike than a gravel bike (in my
NORTH:Logan, jct US91 - E400 Ave
2.profile turns right up Right Hand
Fork Rd
3.profile turns left up FR147
5.profile turns right
6.profile turns left down Blacksmith
Fork Canyon
From West. From
the top of FR147 Blacksmith Fork Rd, a
rougher road leads over a gap in the sage
hills. A short walk from what appears to be
the summit, leads to a knoll where the view
towards Logan Canyon is better. A few
pictures from that point are included
But actually the road rolls
over partially open sage country to another
point that is slightly higher.
East. (described downwards). That's
it for reasonably far views. A small decent
goes to a T junction. The option to the
right allows rolling downhill in order to
join back to FR147 Blacksmith Fork Canyon.
The option to the left allows for climbing
another summit point and then rolling down
to Logan Canyon.
cLiCk on image ,
arrows , or thumbnails to advance
Dayride with this point
as highest summit
( <
Lodge Pass/Big Sheep Creek Divide|
Franklin Basin Rd(sh) > )
FR147 Ephraim's Grave s(u) , FR007 Temple
Fork Rd via FR56(sh) : a short
distance up Right Hand Fork Rd > up Right
Hand Fork Rd > up FR147 > FR147
Ephraim's Grave s(u) > FR56 north >
FR007 Temple Fork Rd via FR56(sh) > down
FR007 Temple Fork Rd > down US89 Logan
Canyon > back to starting point on Right
Hand Fork Rd : 28.4miles with 3910ft of
climbing in 4:08hrs (garmin etrex30
Notes: another short ride for a day, that
is much too hot and smoky, and you call
this September ???