58064 Moscenice - Brsec s(u)
D66/E751 follows
Istria's mountainous north-eastern
shoreline very closely. It hugs every bay
and every turn shows something new. It
seems like it would be a great bike ride.
If it only there wasn't this much traffic,
this close to Rijeka. This short section
parallels the main road and leads over a
scenic little summit. I think it is
actually better than anyting parallel
D66/E751 has o offer.
roundabout outside of Moscenicka
2.Moscenice and turnoff to Natural
4.profile joins main road along
Istrian coast in Brsec
5.START-END SOUTH: same as point 1
From North. On the
south side of Moscenicka Draga, there is a
roundabout with all kinds of possibilities.
One of them is Route5082 to Moscenice. But
the route number is not on the sign. A short
climb leads to a small village surrounding a
castle, perched on a hill over the sea.
Below is a description of a nice sidetrip
possibilty from here.
Past the castle there is
virtually no traffic on the road, but the
most substantial part of this small climb is
still ahead. At the top the viewshed changes
somewhat to the north.
South. A relaxed shallow decent leads
through small villages, containing an
average of about four houses each. A sign
states that they have a church and three
other things, specified by (to me)
undecipherable images. But I only ever say a
couple of houses. At the junction with the
larger D66, there is one more village, this
one a little larger. It clusts around a
castle, overlooking the sea: Brsec. Tiny
rough stone walkways connect modern
doorframes in a small maze of walkway
alleys. I wonder what these dwelling look
like inside. Are they as old as the stone of
the walkways, or as modern and comfortable
as the slick modern entrances. I suspect the
The profile from
here goes back direction north on busier
D66. But this far from Rijeca it is really
not bad at all. Traffic will increase with
each km that you go north. From below the
castle in Moscenice complements the
shoreline, shaped like a wave itself as it
undulates into the stark stalagtite
background composed of the Rijeka high rise
Sidetrip to Ucka Park
Prirode Natural Park entrance: Across
from the castle in Moscenice a sign points
the way to trail to Perun, apparaently an
old abandoned village on top of a rounded
mountain. But actually the "trail" turns out
to be an extremely narrow and steep paved
road, zig zagging up the green hillside. The
views gradually come to include rows of long
islands that are stacked in front of the
Croation coast, like gigantic waves
themselves. The castle too moves more and
more into the domain of the sea. The
pavement ends shortly after a parking lot to
the entrance of the Natural Park. A good
dirt track continues into the high forest
and continues onwards towards various
possible summit points. But I turned around
with my skinny tire touring bike. The short
unpaved section I tried out is entirely in
the forrest and has no views.
Slideshow of the
out-and-back paved summit:
cLiCk on image ,
arrows , or thumbnails to advance
Dayride with this point
as highest summit:
( <
Monte Di Ragogna
s(u) |
Poklon s(u)
> )
58064 Moscenice - Brsec s(u) : Icici
> Lovran > Redveja > Moscenicka
Draga > Moscenice <> out and back
to a 1-2m beyond end of pavement on paved
road to Ucka Park Prirode Nature Park park
sign >> Moscenice - Brsec s(u) >
Brsec with sightseeing detours > D66
north > Redveja > Lovran > back to
starting pint in Icici: 31.8m with 3370ft of
climbing 3:42hrs (garmin etrexm30
Notes: short ride after the morning rain
stopped sometime before noon