The Summit
This is a rough broad dirt road,
starting from a solitary I15 exit in the Las
Vegas vicinity, leading into a dry treeless
mountain complex, named the Mormon Mountains.
Joshua Trees give the area a special appearance.
START-END SOUTH: I15 exit 100
2.(03.6m,2070ft)road turns away from
direction of I15
3.(11.0m,3190ft)jct with Hackberry Spring
5.(20.3m,3260ft)jct with Horse Spring Rd
6.(26.1m,3000ft) START-END NORTH: road
reaches low point at turnoff to Toquop Gap
From South. At exit 100
the Old Spanish Trail is still on the south side
of I15. At this exit a single paved road parallels
I15 in the eastern direction for a couple of
miles. The single sharp turn of the day happens as
the road veers away from I15, in the direction of
an obvious super broad gap in the Mormon
Mountains. Any hope that this will be a civilized
ride on a paved road is destroyed immediately
after this turn, where the surface turns into the
generic coarse gravel with stones up to 2 inches
in diameter, attempting to hide a washboard
surface beneath. The scenery is great on this
ride, given the right time of the year. The road
surface is deplorable year round,
With ever so slight turns the road traverses a
dense Joshua Tree forest. When the road crosses a
power line, it becomes evident that a road also
follows under these masts. This may make for an
alternate, smoother approach on the lower section.
The main access to the Mormon Mountain wilderness
on this side is via Hackberry Rd, which
meets up with the profile well below the summit in
the middle of the cactus splendor.
At the summit of The Summit, there are no obvious
hiking routes following the ridge line in either
direction. To the west the more interesting higher
summits are quite a distance away. And on the east
side, it looks like cliffs would soon be
encountered by the hiker.
From North. (described
downwards). The first impression from the top is
much bleaker than on the other side, partially
because of the almost complete absence of Joshua
Trees on this side. However descending a ways, the
Mormon Mountains to the west show another
interesting, rough assemblage of cliff surfaces,
and to the east, the view opens up all the way to
the Beaver Dam Mountains in Utah, through a gap
breached by an ever so temporary wash. There is
another access road into the wilderness, signed as
the Horse Spring Rd. Signs next to the road refer
to the road in the profile as Rainbow Pass Rd. but
the only name found on my maps is the curious
designation "The Summit".
cLiCk on image , arrows
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Dayride with this point as highest summit:
( < Bulldog
Pass | Valley
of Fire s(u) > )
The Summit x2: I15 exit 100 <> The
Summit << turnaround point a little past jct
with Horse Spring Rd. On the way back extra partial
out and back on Hackberry Spring Rd: 44.1miles with
2990ft of climbing in 5:16hrs (garmin etrex30