FR485 Marsh Creek Rd s(u)
The Continental Divide
between Helena and Lincoln is gentle
enough to contain a multitude of pass
roads, and also this unnamed summit,
located on the GDMBR route. It is actually
higher than any of the named passes, and
an additional out and back to a lookout
tower provides an even better impression
of the scenery along this part of the
Mo279 - Stemple Pass Rd
2.Stemple Pass
3.TOP, 7020ft Marsh Creek Rd s(u)
4.jct Marsh Creek Rd - Little
Prickly Pear Rd, past Lucky Llama
5.START-END SOUTH:jct Mo279 - Little
Prickly Pear Rd
From North. You
can keep on climbing at the top of Stemple
Pass, and that leads to this summit.
The trees open up and the rounded forested
hills recede towards the north in waves of
green. From here the landscape presents a
different picture. It has changed from the
straight lined grass covered hills in the
valley. From here it looks like a parade of
glacier smoothed drumlin hills - a swarm of
giant whale-backs, foreshortened by the flat
light of haze and smoke of summer. At the
highest point a short out and back leads to
a Lookout tower.
South. The downhill is common with
the CD trail for a while. Where the two
split the temptation to follow the track of
the CD trail is strong. But the GDMBR heads
downhill along a fast and furious decent on
the same old Marsh Creek Rd. The road
transverses a large zone of pine beetle
devastation and then stays at the bottom of
a wooded valley. Before reaching the jct
with Prickly Pear Rd, the GDBMR cyclist is
greeted by old bicycles doubling as artistic
expressions by the roadside, and perhaps
calls to take a rest on an inviting large
green meadow. This is the GDBMR rest stop
area of Barbara and Tom. More in the Notes
below and on the next
GDMBR turns right at the next jct to climb
up to Ottawa
Gulch Rd s(u), while the profile
descends all the way back to CR279 in order
to illustrate the dayride below, which is
short enough for a day of extreme August
Sidetrip to Granite Butte
This detour is only about a
mile or so long, and it does buy a lot in
the elevation department. The last part goes
steeply up an open meadow to a lookout
tower, flanked by a grove of dead trees -
the only good dead tree scenery around for
many a mile
Mo279 - Stemple Pass Rd
2.Stemple Pass
3.Marsh Creek Rd s(u)
4.TOP: 7600ft, Granite Butte(ow)
Slideshow of the sidetrip to Butte
cLiCk on image ,
arrows , or thumbnails to advance
Dayride with this point
as highest summit:
( <
Pass |
Gulch Rd s(u) > )
FR485 Marsh Creek Rd s(u) : several
miles up Stemple Pass Rd from jct CR279 -
Stemple Pass Rd > up Stemple Pass Rd >
Stemple Pass(shp) > FR 485 south >
FR485 Marsh Creek Rd s(u) <> out and
back to Granite Butte lookout > FR485
south > down Little Prickly Pear Rd >
CR279 north > back to starting point on
Stemple Pass Rd: 36.3miles with 3340ft of
climbing in 4:17hrs (garmin etrex30
Notes: the orignal plan was to keep going
over another summit direction Marysville.
But when I started talking to Barbara and
John and the GDMBR bikers being
entertained there, I cut short these
plans, substituting to visit here tonight
(picture below)