Doublespring Pass
Doublespring Pass is one of
two roads that take advantage of wide
shallow gaps in the Lost River Range, in
order to cross between the valleys of the
Little Lost River and the Big Lost River.
The other one is Pass
Creek Summit. Doublespring Pass is
the higher of the two by about 700ft, and
passes near the area of the highest peak
in Idaho, Borah Peak.
US93 - Doublespring Rd
2.TOP:8320ft, Doublespring Pass
3.jct with route to Horseheaven Pass
on right
4,jct with Donkey Hills Rd on right
5.START-END EAST: low point at jct
FR118 - Doublesprings Rd, a few
miles before reaching Goldburg
From South. Leaving
US93 a good gravel road climbs straight up a
huge alluvial fan. The lower part of this
road is a good vantage point onto Borah
Peak, especially in evening light. A few
miles up from the jct with US93 is a parking
lot, where the local fault along the Lost
River Range has been dug up, so that it is
visibly exposed.
At the top of the pass is a
single pair of switchbacks, that mark the
transition between the serene, sweeping
forms of the sagebrush scenery to a needle
North. (described downwards) As long
as the road remains on national forest land,
the surface is a little rougher. It's
a long straight shot towards the dessert
floor. About 800ft below the summit a
labeled turnoff to the right provides the
opportunity to extend the Lost River Range
scenic smorgasbord longer - by crossing Horseheaven
Pass. The profile instead heads
straight for the valley floor.
cLiCk on image ,
arrows , or thumbnails to advance
Dayride with this point
as highest summit:
( < Corral
Creek Summit | Morgan
Creek Summit > )
Doublespring Pass x2, Horseheaven
Pass , additional out and back:
Earthquake Fault parking lot, a short
distance up Doublespring Rd from jct with
US93 > up Doublespring Rd >
Doublespring Pass > FR117 east >
Horseheaven Pass > jct with FR118
<> out and back on FR118 south to a
high point overlooking uper Pahsimeroy area
> unmarked road along Pahsimeroy River
(west side) north > Donkey Hills Rd north
> Doublespring Rd south > Doublespring
Pass > back to starting point at
Earthquake Fault parking lot: 51.3miles with
4890ft of climbing in 5:49hrs (garmin
etrex30 m3:20.6.22)(t20_11).
Notes: I saw exactly one car, one
motorcyle and two road graders along the
way. as far as vehicles is concerned. The
car belonged to a forest ranger, and
the motoricycle to Brad, who told me about
the days when you could ride up along the
Pahsimeroi River all the way to Leatherman
Pass and descend down Dry Creek. It sounds
fantatastic. His loop kept going along the
east side of the Lost River Range to
connect to Pass Creek Rd. - The road
graders were at the slightly confusing jct
of Donkey Hills Rd and Doublespring
Rd. There is also a wide road leading to a
ranch here that does not show up on some
maps, and the grader operators were
instrumental, that I didn't take the wrong