FR639 Truchas Peaks s(u)
The Truchas Peaks are a few
outlying peaks of the southern Sangre de
Cristo Mountains. They reach above
treeline, and could easily be mistaken for
peaks in Colorado. This jeep road passes
two trailheads into the area and passes
two nice views of these impressive
mountains. But the route still stays low
in the foothills.
point on NM76, just west of Trampas
2.NM76 Truchas s(u)
3.profile turns left into Truchas
4.profile turns left uphill onto
5.TOP FR639 Truchas Peaks
6.profile joins FR207 going downhill
7.El Valle Rd joins FR76
8.START-END NORTH-2: same as point 1
From West. To
give this side of the elevation profile an
impressive gain, you could start all the way
down in Espanola. But I didn't do that,
either in the profile or on the bicycle. I
preferred the cooler temperatures in the
foothills. and so the profile starts at the
low point of a small loop in the village
Trampas. The old adobe mission with its
small steeples sits in a wonderful location,
surrounded by picturesque housing typical
for New Mexico, and the occasional stray
The profile climbs
on pavement over the NM72 Truchas summit,
arriving at the village at the edge:
Trampas. Turning left and going through the
village you pass the Trampas mission (built
in 1752) and more buidlings that are
wonderfully un American. The county road
turns into a forest dirt road, and at the
next junction FR639 - FR667 the route stays
left and the climb really starts.
It's not all as steep as the
first 100 yards. Soon the rutted but smooth
road levels out a bit, and one of exactly
two good views of the Trampas Mountains
appears framed by trees.
A junction meets a road, which
can be used as alternate approach, leaving
pavement of FR72 near the FR72 Truchas
summit. After the second interesting view
the road gains the forested ridge. At the
top spurs continue climbing in both
East. (described downwards) A fast
decent leads past a trailhead to the jct
with the much wider FR207. But first Rio de
las Trampas has to be crossed - wet legs are
better than a submerged derailleur.
FR207 is a long,
straight-as-an arrow, shallow decent back to
a junction with NM72. The road has one or
two rocky stretches. El Valle Rd leads past
a cemetery that was established in the 1750s
(according to the sign) and a mixture of
modern retirement farms and wooden steeples,
speaking of colonial remnants
Dayride with this point as
highest summit
( <
Truchas s(u) |
US Hill Summit
> )
FR639 Truchas Mtns s(u) , NM76
Truchas s(su) , NM76
Trampas s(u) , additional out and
back: jct FR639 - FR667 > up FR639
> FR639 Truchas Mtns s(u) > down FR639
with small out and back detour <> jct
with FR207 el Valle Rd <> out and back
to end ofr FR207 at Truchas trailhead
>> down FR207 > NM76 east
<> out and back to end of Vallecito Rd
, including several short spurs >>
NM76 west > NM76 Truchas s(u) with
several short detours in Ojo Sarco area >
Truchas > back to starting point at jct
FR639 - FR667: 41.4miles with 4220ft of
climbing in 5:13hrs (garmin etrex30