NM76 Trampas - Truchas
This is the highest point on
a loop through old hispanic villages,
modern pueblo outposts, deep forests and
three separate Spanish missions a little
older than the US itself, all below the
Truchas Peaks, which make up the final
exclamation point of the Sangre de Cristo
Mountains to the south. The
profile actually goes over three separate
that have a minimum 300ft elevation gain.
I only count one of them as a separate
summit (because there is no way to get
500ft below the high point, even if
doubling back to the other aproach were
possible) The other point can be
approached separately with larger
elevation gains: NM76
Chamisal - Trampas
NM75 - NM68 in Rio Grande Gorge
03.turnoff to NM580 is on right
04.NM75 Dixon Rion Lucio high point,
05.Rio Lucio
06.profile turns left onto NM76
07.NM76 Chamisal - Trampas s(u),
09.jct CR69 - NM76, Ojo Sarco
10.NM76 Truchas s(u) -8100ft
12.START-END SOUTH: jct NM291 -
NM76, Santa Cruz, Espagnola area
From West. The
description picks up from the NM76
Chamisal - Trampas s(u) page. But the
profile above already contains that part of
the route from points 1 to 5. Past
point 5, on sunny June day, NM76 between the
Picuris Pueblo area and Truchas reminded me
(I'm from Colorado) of the Peak to Peak
Highway. This road winds over flowing
,forested hills with an interrupted chain of
snow covered peaks above. In this case they
reach 13000ft and are called the Truchas
Mountains. Unlike the Front Range, this is
not a continuous range of mountains, but
instead a set of high snowy islands in a sea
of flowing foothills. The road reaches a low
point just past the village of Trampas. I
think of it as a major attration along this
route and there are a few more notes on the
Chamisal - Tampas page. Now the road
takes on the last hills before the highest
summit on this day loop. There is a wide
shoulder, no rumble strips, little traffic
and lots of trees. At the top forest roads
cross to higher points.
There are actually two points
that fit that description. The real summit
appears to be the more northerly one.
East. (describe downwards). Sweeping
turns lead to the first great view of the
villageTruchas and yet another version of
the Trampas Peaks view. Truchas is situated
on the edge of a mesa. Clearly this location
was chosen for something different than
being easy to reach for people looking for
shopping mall outlet stores on a weekend.
The location above the valley and below the
peaks is a choice location. The villlage
attained a certain amount of fame in the
movie "the milagro bean field wars".
Superficially, judging purely from
appearances while cycling through it, it
seems to not have caused any lasting harm.
Looking around this old village is slightly
off the profiled route, which turns right
before entering Trampas. But it is the most
interesting exploration along the entire
route. The old mission there was built in
1775. Since my first visit the surroundings
have been slightly modified. See pictures in
the slideshow below
Meanwhile, back
on the profile: Now comes the great decent
into Espanola. Watch the landscape turn into
a dessicated dessert, and Truchas slowly
rise in relative elevation to the observer,
still clinging to the edge of the mesa. At
first the road is wide with a shoulder the
width of an entire lane. Then, as NM76
enters Espanola and its "suburbs", the road
becomes narrower and more heavily
trafficked. The profile stays on NM76 to its
junction with Santa Rosa Rd. Just past that
is the 3rd mission along the route. But this
one lacks the peaceful picturesque
surroundings. If connectiong to points north
and the Rio Grande Gorge, as the dayrides
below do, it may be a good idea to cut
through Espanola further north.
On the other hand, the
neighborhoods of Espagnola are a fascinating
territory to explore on a bicycle,
expecially when only used to typical US
suburban developments. According to a report
on NPR from several years ago, Espagnola was
(and probably is) also the main distribution
hub for heroin arriving from Mexico. An
especially unpredictable traffic area in my
experience is the area around the casino. -
Another famous attraction, the Chimayo
Mission is also not far away from the route
before entering Espagnola
cLiCk on image ,
arrows , or thumbnails to advance
Dayrides with this point
as highest summit:
( <
Petaca s(u) |
Truchas Peaks > )
P3: NM76 Trampas - Truchas s(u) ,
Trampas - Chamisal : jct FR667
- FR639 > down FR667 > Truchas >
NM76 north > E spanola > Santa
Cruz > McCurdy Rd north > NM68 north
with small detour > La Junta > NM75
east > Dixon > NM75 Dixon - Rio Lucio
high point > Rio Lucio > Rio Pueblo
> NM76 south > Chamisal > NM76
Chamisal - Ojo Sarco s(u) > Las Trampas
> NM76 Truchas s(u) - Trampas >
Truchas > back to starting point at jct
FR667 - FR639 : 71.3miles with 4790ft of
climbing in 6:12hrs (garmin etrex30
r4:21.6.1) (pics: t21_4_23 - t21_4_38)
Notes: contains a small part of umpaved
road, used to aproach the loop. A lucky
day of great weather, after a day of heavy
rain and hail.
Fairly heavy traffic
in the Rio Grande Gorge on this June1
( <
Creek Pass | ) >
P1: same summit points:
somewhere along NM518 towards US Hill Summit
NM518 south > NM76
south > Chamisal > NM76 Chamisal - Ojo
Sarco s(u) > Las Trampas > NM76
Truchas - Trampas > Truchas > detour
trough Chimayo > Espagnola > :NM 68
north through Rio Grand Gorge > NM75 east
> Dixon > NM75 Dixon - Rio Lucio high
point > Rio Lucio <> detour around
Picures pueblo > back to staring point on
US Hill Summit: 92.3miles with 5860ft of
climbing, no time measured (cycle computer:
m2:96.5.30) (pics t96_1_1101 - t96_2_0103).
Notes: solo day ride after DBTC Sawatch
> Pagosa Springs > Chama >
Alamosa 3 day ride
( <
Chosa Pass |
Saddle > )
P2: same summit points: jct
NM68 - NM75 > NM68 through Rio Grande
Gorge north > Espanola > Truchas >
NM76 Truchas - Trampas s(u) > Las Trampas
> Chamisal > NM76 north > Rio
Pueblo > Rio Lucio > NM75 - Rio Lucio
high point > Dixon > back to starting
point 74.8miles with 6630ft of climbing in
6:49hrs (cyclecomputer m3:5.6.15) (pics
Notes: with Bob
A Dayride with this point as intermediate
summit is on page:
Truchas Mountains