CR4170 Southam Canyon Rd s(u)
This summit point connects
two points on the White River. I think it
is the most scenic point, in this maze of
gravel roads, originally constructed to
service the mining and gas development in
this area, that I have come across so far.
NORTH:bridge across White River on
UT45, south of Bonanza
2.TOP: 5750ft
3.jct with Asphalt Wash Rd, profile
turns right
4.START-END SOUTH:road meets White
From North. The
first part is on pavement and climbs on Ut45
away from the White River Boat Launch.
Before the wide cracked paved road ends at a
securely locked gate to an oil shale
reservation, Southam Canyon Road diverts to
the left. This is not the turnoff to Baxter
Pass, but the one after that. In many turns
Southam Cny Rd follows one of the many
intermediate shallow shelfs, in this series
of cliffs. In the end a small climb opens
the view on more cliffs to the west. White
river is still far out of sight
South. (described downwards). A short
descend leads to another small climb that is
not big enough to be considered a separate
summit point. It's another pretty vantage
point. The road ends at a T junction onto
Asphalt Wash Road. The way north, on this
fast, flat, very bikable road lends itself
to multiple loop possibilities (which is
what I did). But the way to the river and
the bottom point goes right.
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