Scenic one-way climbs to ski
areas, favored by bicycle racers and Tour de
France aficionados alike, abound in the
Pyrenees. Here is another one. Considerable part
of it is above treelline, and there are great
views. Lots of bicycle touring companies make
their customers go up here. On top there is a
great little walk for those inclined, if the
weather plays along.

WEST:Voi Verte de Gaves, east of
2.(03.9km,0460m)profile turns onto road to
Hautacam from D13
4.(14.9km,1340m)first signed top: ski area
parking lot
5.(17.3km,1520m)TOP:end of pavement at
Tramissal kiosk
From West. After leaving
Boo-Silhen, the climb consists of long traverses,
that seem to never end, before finally switching
back in the other direction. Once the road reaches
treeline, there are a few particularly steep
stretches before the road gives up, and now tries
a different strategy. It now submits to a flurry
of switchbacks, which are more easily rideable. In
the meantime the view has grown very expansive,
reaching from the plains to the north to ridges on
the Spanish border near Col d' Aubisque.
This road does give cyclists the sign treatment,
with remaining climbing elevation and grade.
However - when you get to the top of what they
call Hautacam, another sign indicates the
remaining climbing to be done to Kiosk Tramassel.
The Kiosk Tramassel is called Hautacam, as far as
this page is concerned.
Just a little higher on a dirt track is also a
Col Tramassel. It has no road going down the other
side. It is however the starting point for a very
scenic short walk direction Pic de Narbou.
cLiCk on image , arrows
, or thumbnails to advance slideshow
Dayride with this point as highest one way
summit, and no two way summits:
( < Col de Tentes(ow)
| Col d'Aubisque
> )
Hautacam(ow) : Boo-Silhen > Hautacam
<< back down to Boo-Silhen with several miles
of detour around the village: 22.8miles with
3990ft of climbing in 2:36hrs
Notes: half day ride, started at 1pm. Day also
included a short walk from the top to Col
Tramassel and the knob before reaching Pic de
h+b: max-min=5686-1335=4351,
26.7miles with 4823ft of climbing in
Cycling - Tour de France: A stage of the
race ended 5 times at the ski area parking lot, that
is at a point below the highest point on the
profile, between 1994 and 2014. The year 2000 was
the longest of these days, with a roundabout 204km
from nearby Lourdes. In 2014, the stage went over
famous Col du
Tourmalet (as well as a few other in
comparison minor passes) and ended with a climb to
this ski area, 145.5km.