Puerto de Oroel
This seems like the first obvious
cycling goal from the Jaca area. The road heads
towards that bombastic hogback ridge, standing
in complete isolation to the Pyrenean system of
ridges, yet obviously connected to its geologic
history, and the perfect vantage point onto it.,
should one get on top of it. On the ridge top a
prominent cross makes it obvious that this is a
popular weekend hiking goal.
NORTH:low point, just south of Jaca on
2.turnoff to trailhead to Pico Oroel
3.TOP:Puerto Oroel
4.START-END SOUTH ALT:jct with route to
Monastario San Juan de la Pena s(u)
5.START-END SOUTH:Triste on shore of
Embalse de la Pena, Rio Gallego
From South. The traffic
circle to the north of Jaca points the way up
towards this toothlike lookout ridge But the road
over Puerto Oroel only crosses the forested area
to the right of the mighty tooth. So views are
pleasantly idyllic and bathed in the surrounding
green foliage, quite different than a hike to the
top of Pico Oroel.
Some distance before reaching the
pass a side road goes to the Parador de Oroel.
From there a hiking trail climbs to the top. The
parador itself is a really nice vantage point over
the ridge. Just as a side note: the parador road
continues to traverse Monte Oroel in the form of a
rough and wavy, but paved forest road, apparently
connecting to other pavement to the east.
From North. (described
downwards) A fairly rough road descends in a
million curves through a maze of gentle rounded
forested hills. Before reaching Bernues, taking a
right makes for perfect short Jaca day ride over Monastario San
Juan de la Pena. But the profile stays left
and decends to the river Gallegos.
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