Passo Dei Redebus
This pass connects two
valleys lined with vacation villages
coming up from the same direction, and so
it makes a nice short dayride, with still
a substantial climbing workout. There are
no truly great views from the summit, but
the great variety of church towers,
perfectly fitting into the landscape,
complemented by the villages and mountains
around them, leave many lasting images.
in Pergine Valsugana
2.Sant Orsola Terme
3.profile turns up SP224 and starts
switchbacks before reaching Palu Del
4.TOP: Passo de Redebus , 1455m
5.profile reaches Lago di Piazze
6.Baselga Di Pine
8.START-END WEST: low point at dead
end, past ss47 to Trento
From South. From
Pergine one road on each side of the valley
goes up towards Paul dei Fersina. I tried
the larger, wider and shorter route on the
north side. Traffic gets lighter and ligher
the further away you get from Pergine. A
number of church towers highlight the beauty
of the valley.
Finally before entering Paul
dei Fersina, the road turns west and climbs
the pass with a few switchbacks. The top is
heavily forested and is used as a depository
for all the timber that has been harvested
in the area. There is a limited view of a
far high dolomite ridge from a track, that
crosses one of these timber harvesting areas
heading north.
North. (described downwards) The
theme of the ride becomes even more
pronounced on this side. Churches at the
center of mountain villages appear glued to
the mountainous slope.
They make up the foreground to the southern
most, still distant, real dolomite ridges.
Later, arived at the valley bottom, the road
runs along two small lakes, the centers of
accompanying vacation villages. Traffic
increases drastically the closer you get to
the main road to Trento.
cLiCk on image ,
arrows , or thumbnails to advance
Dayride with this point
as highest summit:
( <
Passo Di Veccena
Grappa: jct SP148-SP140 > )
Passo dei Redebus , additional out and
back: Levico Terme > with detours
Pergine > Fassionago-Garait > Passo
dei Redebus > Lago di Pazze > Baselga
di Pine >Madrano > bike route to
Pergrine <> out and back to Castello
Pergrine with detours >> back to
starting point in Levico Terme: 46.0miles
with 4860ft of climbing in 5:14hrs (garmin
etrex30 r5:21.9.29)