Alto de Pequera s(u)
/ Alto de Rabassa(ow)
Judging from the road graffiti and
cyclist directed sings along the way, this is a
fairly famous climb in the Vuelta d'Espagna. This
explains the size and quality of the road, about
the width of 3 to 4 regular Pyrennean roads,
perfectly smooth asphalt - and once above the last
village - no traffic whatsoever. You don't have to
be a racer to like all that. Scenery is kind of
interesting in peculiar way.
2.(14.6km,0920m)START-END SOUTH: St Julia
de Loria
3.(15.7km,1010m)junction between southern
and northern approaches
4.(28.6km,1821m)TOP: La Paquera s(u)
5(41.5km,0920m)START-END NORTH: same as
point 2 on southern approach
From South. In the
middle of the shopping streets, there is a sign
pointing to Juberri. It points west, but
really it should just be pointing up. This first
km actually is the steepest along the entire
climb, and this still happens before the fork in
the road between the northern and southern
approach to this summit. If you do not make a
conscious decision the road just leads you up the
north side. Below, the street shopping canyons and
apartment megaplex high rises are soon dwarfed by
the size of the mountains. Up here traffic thins
out as quickly, as do the inhabitants to the
investment condos. Most of the condos seam just
shuttered up, and waiting for interest rates to
fall further, for or some national debt crisis to
Switchbacks on this side climb
forever through the forest. Views of the mountains
are obscured by trees. There is one place where
some millionare has cleared a meadow for the
oaisis and his own view. It's the best scene along
the way.
From North. (described
downwards) This side is actually much more open
and affords infinitely better views. If there is a
choice of which approach to ride in good light for
taking pictures, this side is definitely it.
Especially one view, the only occasion the road
climbs a little on the descent, in order to get
across an outcrop, is very photogenic - but
actually very untypical for the rest of the road
cLiCk on image , arrows
, or thumbnails to advance slideshow
Sidetrip to La Rabassa s(u)
There are more switchbacks where all the last
ones came from. On top of the one way climb is
another part of the amusement park of some sort.
Advertisments for this Naturlandia have been almost
as common as the trees during the ride up. But
nobody was amusing themselves on this May day. The
top is equally tree covered as the southern descent
and every peak of the mountains around, and there
are plenty - has to be lurked for between the trees.
Even walking for half an hour or so up the ski area
does not substantially improve that condition. A
sign portraying the gradient of the road with
various bicycle symbolism further awakens curiosity
about the races on this gradient. A computer key on
the sign promises to lead to an explanation.
SOUTH ALT: La Seu d'Urgell
2.(14.6km,0920m)START-END SOUTH: St Julia
de Loria
3.(15.7km,1010m)junction between southern
and northern approaches
4.(28.6km,1821m)La Paquera s(u)
5.(32.2km,2037m)TOP: La Rabassa
Dayride with this point as
highest summit:
( < Collado de Canto
| Estany de
Montcortes s(u) > )
La Paquera s(u) , additional out and back : La
Seu d"Urgell > Sant Julia de Lloria > Juberi
> La Paquera s(u) <> out and back to La
Rabassa(ow) > Aixirival > Sant Julia de Lloria
with bike part shopping detour > back to starting
in La Seu d'Urgell: 45.7miles 4997ft 8.9mph 5:06hrs
(garmin etrex30 r5:19.5.20)
Notes: the day included also a hike from La
Rabassa to the next equally tree covered mountain