Parley's Summit
I80 is never going to be the first choice to cross
the Wasatch Range on a bicycle. But with so many
other options available, Parley's Summit is always
a possibility to return quickly to the starting
point on the other side of the mountains. This is
not a quiet or great smelling ride. But it is
safer than many small country roads, that in
reality are overloaded expressways without a

01.(4270ft,m00) START-END
EAST ALTERNATE: jct Ut71, 3300 south
02.(4950ft,m04) junction: 3300 south,
Wasatch Blvd.
03.(4900ft,m05) Parley's crossing area
04.(5630ft,m11) Dell's Crossing exit
05.(7120ft,m16) TOP: Parley's Summit
06.(6400ft,m21) Kimball Junction exit to
Park City
07.(6440ft,m24) Silver Creek Junction exit
to US40
08.(5840ft,m32) Wanship exit
09.(5580ft,m39) START-END WEST: Coalville
exit |
From West. Following Avenue
3300 in Salt Lake City south to its western end
may be the most convenient way to get onto I80 to
Parley's Summit. Shortly before the freeway
entrance a large REI store as well as a host of
other shops provide a chance to stock up on brake
shoes, or whatever else has been broken or
depleted on the ride sofar ( in my case it was a
pair of cleats ). Unlike other bike stores in the
area it is also open on Sundays. When coming from
the mouth of Mill Creek Canyon, bicycle traffic is
funneled away from Parley's Canyon to Parley's
Crossing. This interesting bike path construction
does not exactly make it easy to get onto I80, but
it is possible. I took the first picture while
looking for the way.
The initial part of I80 leads along
exits leading to blocked off roads or quarries.
It's a long gradual grunt through desert hills
that have been rechristened into "mountain dells"
by real estate developers. No alpine peaks or
incised canyons are visible on this route. The
closest thing to a scenic experience is the exit
leading to the low point between Little Mountain
Pass and Big
Mountain Pass ( second picture ). The top
has long been populated by suburban type homes, a
gas station and strip malls, interspersed with the
occasional mormon temple mega complex. There is
also a mountain park and an elevation sign.
From East. (described
downwards). Signs warning of a downhill ahead make
the cyclist feel hopeful. But in reality it is
quite short and straight on this side. In the past
it lead past signs advertising full ownership in
leftover olympic housing complex units, turned
condo, for a mere 500 000 dollars. Sorry - all
sold out. A frontage road runs along the south
side. But it is safer to stay on the interstate,
since the busy business route has no shoulder.
Much of the suburban commuter traffic along the
route takes a right along another traffic monster
to Park City. Continuing along I80, the mountains
behind Park City look less dramatic from this
side, seen between a sea of developing suburbia.
With a strong west wind it's a fleeting impressing
that floats by quickly, almost as if seen from
behind the protecting wind shield of a speeding
car. More often the wind blows in the
other direction, and the ride can be less pleasant
at the end of the day in rushhour traffic.
(unpaved+paved): A loop ride beginning in Midway,
leading over Guardsman
Pass to Holladay City in the Salt Lake
Valley, then returning over Parley's Summit
measured 82 miles with 7740 feet of climbing in
7.1 hours, using a Cateye A100 cycle computer.
(single track+unpaved+paved): A loop ride from
Silver Crossing ( junction Ut248 - US40 ) to Park
City, up to Guardsman
Pass, over the the Wasatch Crest
Trail summit(u) down Mill Creek Canyon,
returning via I80 and Parley's summit measured 64
miles with apr. 6400ft of climbing in 7:1 hours,
using a VDO MC1.0 cycle computer (m3:07.06.11).
The Overland Trail ( < North Ogden
Pass | Daniel's
Summit > ) In 1849 and 1850 Howard
Stansbury mapped passes to the east of the Great
Salt Lake, while looking for a better supply route
between the Oregon Trail and Utah. During that time
Parley's Summit was known as Golden Pass, named for
the high toll road prices charged by Parley P Pratt,
the mormon leader and owner of the toll road over
the pass.
By 1850 Stansbury had become convinced that there
was better route east from Salt Lake, than a direct
connection with the Oregon Trail to the north. This
later became the Overland Route, and replaced part
of the Oregon Trail. He started to explore this
route with his guide Jim Bridger as he left Utah
over Parlely's Summit. But he recommended Provo
Canyon (leading to Silver Summit) as best route for
this. After that the route continued over Strawberry
Pass, today more commonly called Daniel's Summit.