FR28 Williams Lake Rd s(u)
This short climb is just a
little longer than it may seem, while
first looking at it on the map, The reason
are the thousands of degrees of curvature,
negotiated by the approaches. The summit
is not so far away from the canyon of the
Salmon (measuring air distance). Some good
views of a side canyon and the Beaverhead
Range are possible.
EAST-1:Shoop Bridge at jct US993 -
Williams Creek Rd
2.profile turns left from Williams
Creek Rd onto Williams Lake Rd
3.profile turns stays right onto
FR28 to a BLM campground
4.TOP,7570ft: FR28 Williams Lake
5.profile joins Williams Lake Rd
going downhill
6.START-END EAST-2: same as point 2
From South. When
traveling between Challis and Salmon,
following the impressive beauty of the
Salmon River Canyon, this only happens once:
You glance across the river, and see a
uniform road grade carved all the way, to
what appears to be the edge of a plateau.
That's the beginning of this climb. At Shoop
Bridge you can finally cross the Salmon and
a paved road retraces the way along US93,
but on the other side of the river. A
uniform grade on a hard medalled road then
climbs 1000ft, more or less, and then
directs its way into the plateau for more
Before reaching Williams Lake,
the profile takes a signed right onto FR28,
also the direction of the BLM Lake Williams
Campground and lake access. Crossing an
intermediate high point along the lake, the
road then decents to the creek, feeding the
From here to the summit does
not look like much on the map. But this road
traces back into every nook and cranny of
the now forested slopescape. Most of the way
is on very smooth hard packed surface.
Approaching the top it gets a little
rockier. At the top, a steep two minute
out-and-back walk leads onto a bare knoll
with a nice view in most directions. Many of
the pictures are taken from there.
North. (described downwards) But the
nicest views, in my opinion, are on the
upper decent on this side. Rocks turned on
edge, about to be traversed on the way down
are in the foreground: the canyon of
Williams Creek. Behind that: snow covered
peaks of the Beaverhead Range along the
boundary line with Montana.
Again the top section of the
road is somewhat rocky, giving way quickly
to a fast comfortable roll down the 1000s of
degrees of curvature.
When the road meets Williams
Creek road, the rest of the decent is on a
fast well maintained hard medalled road. The
approach meets the southern approach some
distance above Shoop bridge.
cLiCk on image ,
arrows , or thumbnails to advance
Dayride with this point
as highest summit:
( <
Summit |
Creek Summit > )
FR28 Williams Lake Rd s(u) , additional
out and back: on FR28, a short
distance above Williams Lake > up FR28
> FR28 Williams Lake Rd s(u) > down
Williams Creek Rd << turnaround at
Shoop bridge, jct with US93 > up Williams
Creek Rd > up Williams Lake Rd > up
FR28 > back to starting point on FR28:
36.4miles with 4250ft of climbing in 4:08hrs
(garmin etrex30: m3:20.6.25)