FR579 Cascade Divide Rd(ow)
This may be a good access
route to reach the Colorado Trail a few
miles east of Bolam Pass - for somebody
willing to walk the bike a lot, and deal
with lots of downed timber over a very
short distance. As for me - I was content
to turn around at the end of the double
track. And so I am going to write this up
as a out-and-back summit - and a very
scenic route it is. Looking at the bright
side, going back down Cascade Divide Rd is
about 1000 times as scenically
interesting, than going down the shorter
east side of Bolam
Pass, which would have been the
decent from the Colorado Trail summit
point. Turning in the other direction on
the Colorado Trail would be a hard workout
over Rolling
Mountain Pass.
US550 - Lime Creek Rd, north of
Purgatory ski area
2.route turns right into Purgatory
ski area
3.FR579 Hermosa Park Rd s(u)
4.jct Relay Creek Rd - Cascade
Divide Rd
5.route turns into rocky jeep trail
6.TOP:11200ft - end of Cascade Creek
From East. The
profile starts at a point slightly below the
Purgatory Ski area on US550. Turning
off US550 you have the impression of
entering private land, since you are passing
under a ski area arch of sorts. A small sign
also informs that this is National Forest
access route. The next turnoff onto the
forest road is not quite as well marked. A
good dirt road climbs across from the Needle
Mountains to a the small FR578
Hermosa Park Rd summit. After an ever
so small decent, a sign in the forest offers
a choice between Hemosa Park and Cascade
Divide/Relay Creek. Cascade Divide it is.
One more uphill choice at the next fork and
the climb is really getting under way.
The excellent dirt road, which
will make a lightning fast decent, lasts to
about 10500ft. Curiously, where the surface
deteriorates into a rocky jeep road, the
interesting scenery starts too. Now
traversing along the hillside, the road
skirts along below several 12000 ft peaks on
one side, and an ever changing view of
Engineer Mtn on the other. Small rocky
descents lead to intermediate low points at
stream crossings.
Finally the road makes one
last push upwards, and a last series of
switchbacks lead to a trailhead. According
to the map the Colorado Trail is not far
from here. But during my last visit much
downed timber made progress extremely slow
and difficult.
cLiCk on image ,
arrows , or thumbnails to advance
Dayride without two way
summits and this point as highest one-way
( <
Hermosa Park Rd s(u) |
Red Mountain
No3 Road s(u) > )
Cascade Divide Rd(ow) : :near
jct FR591 - US550, north of Purgatory Ski
area <> US550 south <> Purgatory
Ski area <> up FR578 <> up FR579
<> turnaround point at end of road and
beginning of trail: 37.8miles with 4370ft of
climbing in 5:50hrs (garmin etrex30