Flesher Pass
This is a pleasant gentle pass
through lovely country. The road has no shoulder,
and is rumble stripped only at the center. But
traffic on my two occasions of crossing this pass
has been so light and considerate. The view from
approaching the summit direction Stanley is
definitely memorable, because it overlooks such a
wide swath of wild country, traversed only by a
single road, determined to get to the summit you
are standing on.
01.(00.0m,4690ft) START-END
EAST: jct Stemple Pass Rd - Mo279
02.(08.3m,6129ft) TOP: Flesher Pass
03.(16.7m,4990ft) profile turns left onto
04.(26.4m,4560ft) START-END WEST: Lincoln:
jct Stemple Pass Road - Mo200
From West. Turning from Mt200 onto CR?279,
the road is flanked by gentle hills, verging on
being worthy of the designation "mountain". After
several miles of pleasant cycling through with
very little traffic, a road cut high up on the
ridge ahead becomes visible. It is this view that
makes this seem like a real mountain pass.
The long detour, shaped like a sling to the
north, used to get to this road cut is not
immediately visible. And so the climb, all in all,
remains gentle and civilized, and a nice view is
to be had of the mountains. The view reaches back
into a vast swath of landscape, that has been
declared off limits to most forms of human
transport, including bicycles, eventually reaching
back into the Bob Marshall Wilderness. Here the
scenery is reserved for bears and large game, and
the occasional helicopter tourist.
From East. (described downwards). The
Continental Divide Trail crosses at the top, and
this time finding it is not a problem. Signs
clearly point the way in both directions. The
downhill on this side goes through widely spaced
vacation homes. There are no far views to speak
A Dayride with this point as highest summit is
on page: Stemple