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US191 Mogollan Mesa s(u)
aka Blue Vista s(u)

US191 between Alpine and Clifton is a unique American road. It crosses the Mogollan Rim. Yes, I know, It's not the only one. But - there are extensive stretches with more degrees of curvature, when added together would make a virtually never ending corkscrew. There are a few straight stretches along the way, but they are few and far in between. The Blue Vista viewpoint is the most extensive view along this road, and the highest point on US191 is not far from there. So far - definitely my favorite paved road point on the rim.

1.START-END NORTH:jct with FR26, also the low point before the next summit point on US199 to the north
2.Hannagan Meadow
3,TOP, 9360ft
4.Blue Vista viewpoint
5.low point before climb to Telephone Mesa s(u), 7200ft
6.Telephone Mesa s(u), 8300ft
7.START-END SOUTH:low point before climb to HL Saddle to the south


From North.
The description starts on US191 at the junction with FR26. This is a low point between this summit and the US191 summit between the junction and Alpine

The Mogollan Rim is a well know landmark. Not surprisingly it is located on the edge of the Mogollan Mesa. It is slanted, much like a hogback ridge, and the road on this side goes up the dip slope, that is along the slanted surface, very roughly speaking. But it explains why this is a long, uniform-as-can-be climb through gentle mesa slopes, for the most part. The real curvy sections come on the other side. There is commerce at Hannagan's Meadow, as well as a meadow, and then a gentle road leads by tempting trail and lookout turnoffs to a windblown high meadow above the trees. The view to the north is far reaching and impressive if one can pick out some of these super distant landmarks. There are no formal indications that this is the highest point between Springerville and Clifton.

From South. (described downwards). While continuing on through the woods, there comes a point when you realize you are definitely on the edge of something. There have been a few hints before: distant ranges through the trees, somehow located below the horizon. But at the Blue Vista viewpoint the rim becomes an undeniably spectacular view in 270 degrees. This scenic high point is about 300ft lower than the elevation high point. The name comes from the Blue Mountains to the east, even if to me they look all green. The first steep step in this decent can be seen ahead, a straight line along the verdant slopes. From here on the road also changes drastically in character, no more straight aways, but super tight curves, which you would perhaps not expect in the roadrunner coyote state. This first step goes down a little over 2000ft. Here the scenery seams to level out, but the road is really toying with the top of another ridge behind the trees. This soon becomes apparent from the far views left and right. After a relaxing flat section in the woods, the next smaller climb goes up Telephone Mesa .

cLiCk on image , arrows , or thumbnails to advance slideshow

Dayride with this point as highest summit


( < Az273 White Mtn Rd s(u) | Az78 Three Way - Mule Creek s(u) > )

US191 Mogollan Rim s(u) x2 , US191 Telephone Mesa s(u) x2: US191 at ~7170ft near fire overlook or jct with Ad Bar Trail <> US191 north <> US191 Telephone Mesa <> US191 Mogollan Rim s(u) << turnaround point at jct with FR26 at ~8050ft : 79.8miles with 7550ft of climbing in 7:41hrs (garmin etrex32x r4:24.11.2)
Notes: contains 1 or 2 miles of extra exploratory detours

