New York Summit
The Owyhee Mountains make a
barely changing, hazy outline from a distance.
They don't tell much little about their size,
rocky features - or possibly lack of them, from
this distance, as one travels along Id67, south
west of Mountain Home. It pays to investigate
this matter closer, and this road is the major
accessible road summit in this range. This is
also a hotbed for ATV activity. But I did also
see about a handful of people walking in the
hills, amongst the 100s of ATVs.
town Murphy, along Id78
2.START-END NORTH: profile turns left
onto unsgined, unpaved Old Stage Rd or
Old Silver City Rd
3.profile continues on Silver City
Rd/Ridge Rd
4.TOP, 6690ft
5.START-END SOUTH: turnoff to Silver
City towards south
6.first turnoff towards Reynolds Creek
drainage towards north
7.turnoff to Reynolds Creek via Whiskey
Mtn Rd
8.START-END SOUTH ALT:Jordan Valley,
From North.Silver City
Road is a signed turnoff from Id67. Heading on
pavement towards the ridge in the distance, the
road climbs over softly flowing, hardly
perceptible waves of sage, that resemble each
other like the waves on a sea.
The first major intersection is
with Old Silver City Road, marked as Ridge Road
on my map, and now waves of sage have become
much higher. The bike speeds down one, only to
just about stop on a dime in order to climb the
next one. A few miles after this intersection
the surface turns to a gravel, but this is a
friendly hard kind of medalled surface gravel.
On these next several miles, the road descends
down into the trough, separating the last sage
wave from the first forested wave. This
transition is my favorite part on this ride. The
views along the front of the Owyhee Range
include a strange canyon, where the sage seems
to have cracked open.
Again the bike seems to stop on a
dime at the next low point. The transition into
the forested part announces itself with steep
drops temperature and brightness, which is
good because otherwise the increase in sweat per
hundred feet climbing would be even higher. From
here to the top there are no views to take your
mind of the task at hand, climb this steep,
busy, yet well surfaced gravel road until there
is no more to climb.
Besides a few nice, but still
limited views at the top, there is a strange
fenced in section, that people use to stage
their motor vehicles. Tracks in both directions
lead higher, but following them for 15 minutes
each, I didn't find any more views either. A
sign 12 miles below the top refers to this point
as New York Summit. Looking on a map the name is
attached to a nearby mountain top.
cLiCk on image , arrows
, or thumbnails to advance slideshow
From South.
(described downwards) The view down this way
looks somewhat more normal, trees, gentle
forested hills that sort of thing. A turnoff
200ft down to the left leads to a higher
transmission facility. But this day on a warm
Sunday in October, it would have been not such a
good idea to oppose the heavy ATV traffic, that
was coming down. Amongst the hundreds of ATVs,
the dozens of motorcyles, I actually encountered
3 people who had been walking today, in this
case up to the transmission tower view - no
other cyclists I am sad to observe. But at least
4 people out of several hundred got some
exercise today.
A few more hundred feet down is
the signed turnoff to the old town Silver Creek.
It is actually one mile out of the way of the
profile. I think that there is no other more
remotely located "ghost town" in the American
west, that also attracts this many ATV visitors.
There were actual ghost town ATV traffic jams.
Or maybe this is just a very popular spot on a
warm October Sunday. Even thought it is a little
off the profile, I included a few pictures.
Back to the road following Jordan
Creek downstream from the summit. This side soon
follows an ever getting gentler ravine through
loose forest and along the creek. Soon it is
barely discernible that we are still surrounded
by mountains.
cLiCk on image , arrows
, or thumbnails to advance slideshow
Dayride with this point as
highest summit
( <
Meadow Creek Rd s(u) |
Rabbit Creek
Rd s(u) > )
New York Summit x2 : BLM37126 Old Silver
Creek Rd 2.8miles from its jct with Ridge Rd
<> BLM37126 south <> Ridge Rd south
<> New York Summit <> Jordan Creek
Rd south << to turnaround point in Silver
City on way out only >> Jordan Creek
Rd west << turnaround point at cow grate
at 5640ft : 45.1miles with 5670ft of climbing in
5:48hrs (garmin etrex32x m5:23.10)
Notes: In Silver City I managed to talk to
only person out of the thousands I passed
today She was a self professed history expert
of this area. Not only did I not see any other
cyclists today on this road (even though I
would call this a great gravel ride),
according to her I was also the only cyclist
ever that she saw up here.