CR180 Evanston Road
microwave tower s(u)
I went looking for historically
famous Wahsatch Pass west of Evanston, and
couldn't fine it. Instead I found this little
summit on my circuitous approach east of Evanston.
But there is no climbing approach to here from
Evanston. You can get here, you just can't climb
here. It is at virtually the same elevation. But
there is a point sufficiently low between the two
for the profile below. These are the topographic
peculiarities of western Wyoming.
WEST:US189 exit on I80
2.jct CR180 - CR181
3.CR180 Evanston Rd(sh)
4.CR180 Evanston Rd microwave s(u), 7600ft
5.Divide Rd I80 entrance
6.Painter Road I80 exit
7.START-END EAST:I80 entrance on the east
end of Evanston
From East. At
that lonely, some might say godforsaken spot in
the sage, where US289 takes off from I80 towards
Kemmerer, a good dirt road also leaves in the
opposite direction. It follows a shallow
ravine on hard dirt to a junction (point2). Here
the surface gets a little worse. From here it is
an eventless ride up towards a few tanks of a
petroleum products at a processing facility of
some sort. From here towards the north a short
track leads a little higher to a microwave tower.
The view of Evanston from up here is not bad at
From South.
(described downwards) A short track leads down
to an I80 entrance. The profile continues on the
spacious shoulder of I80, Of course you could just
go back down to the petroleum tanks and decent on
the same road, in the opposite direction, towards
the west. In either case, if you want to connect
to Evanston, a few miles on the shoulder of I80
are inevitable. It is much safer than most two
lane roads. The shoulder is is wider too.
A sign labels the exit, where the "petroleum
tanks" road connects as "Painter Rd". However,
consulting the map, that name refers to a road on
the opposite side of the Interstate exit. It is
actually closed off by a locked gate, and there
are no further signs here. The wide paved road on
the south side of the Interstate is named CR180
Evanston Rd (prevriousely referred to as
:petroleum tanks rd").
Dayride with this point as highest summit
( < Fisher Pass |
Piedmont Rd s(u) > )
CR180 Evanston Rd microwave tower s(u) , CR180
Evanston Rd(sh) : jct US289 - I80 > CR181
following Abert Creek south > CR180 Evanston
Rd(shp) > CR180 Evanston Rd microwave tower
s(u) > jct I80 - Divide Rd > I80 west >
Evanston <> out and back from west end of
Bear River Trail to east end of Bear River Trail
> several sightseeing miles around Evanston
<> out and back on Washatch Rd along I80
towards Wahsatch << turnaround point a few
miles past Ut - Wy line >> Evanston > I80
east > Evanston Rd east > Evanstyon Rd(sh)
> back to starting point at jct US289 - I80
<> separate out and back a couple of miles
on US289 north : 59.6miles with 2370ft of climbing
in 5:51hrs (garmin etrex32 m5:23.6.13)