outskirts of Trinidad with the Sangre de Cristo
Mountains in the distance
Raton Pass was the original American pass at
the boundary line of two cultures, even though
the boundary was not so well defined. To the
south was the Spanish province of New Galicia
and its sun baked, dusty capitol Santa Fe. To
the north - for now - were bands of indians.
By 1700 traders in wide brimmed Sombreros and
long, clanking spurs were leading mule trains
north over (Old) Raton Pass to present day La
Junta to trade with indians. In 1719 Pedro de
Villasur lead a scouting party over Raton Pass
across the plains to the area of present day
Platte River Nebraska, where most of them were
killed by Pawnees.
In 1803 Napoleon offered the American president
Jeffereson a real estate bargain, that was too
good to pass up, the Louisiana purchase. After
that deal, exactly who theoretically owned what,
not even considering the people who actually
lived there, was a matter of conjecture, and so
the boundary between Spain and the American
states was thought to be the Arkansas River, or
was it the Red River ? This put Raton Pass
square inside the area of confusion.
Finding the source of the Red River was not
as easy as it sounds nowadays, ecspecially if
you ask Zebulon Pike. The actual source of the
Red River was eventually found decades later
in Western Texas, a long way from Raton Pass.
In 1819 the matter gained importance again and
the Arkansas River was accepted as boundary
between Spanish territory and unorganized
American territory to the north. After the
Arkansas turns north near Salida (in upstream
direction) in the Arkansas valley, a line
extending northwards beyond the Arkansas
headwaters was accepted as the boundary
between Spain on the west and the non united
states to the east.
In 1822 Raton Pass was still the pass
connecting two cultures. Mexico had won
independence from Spain and what would someday
be New Mexicans were now formally Mexicans. To
the north settlement of the west was driven
ahead forcefully with inital steps being taken
by the expansionist mister Manifest Destiny
himself, Senator Hart Benton from Missiourri.
When the Mexicans dropped the old Spanish
trade ban with the north, Raton Pass was used
by William Becknell for a trading expedition
from Saint Louis on the Arkansas to Santa Fe,
where he sold his goods for seven times the
cost. But Raton Pass was not the only viable
route for this east west route. Already during
the next spring of 1822 he pioneered the
Cimarron Cutoff route, which cut off Raton
Pass in favor of a dry dessert route following
the Cimarron River from the great bend area of
the Arkansas. Both routes became part of the
standard Santa Fe Trail from Saint Louis. The
"mountain division" over the pass was favored
by pack trains and emigrants for whom water
and relative safety was more important, while
the Cimarron cutoff was preferred by more
mobile parties with greater tolerance to
Indian attacks.
Raton Pass was also the route of choice for
General Stephen Kearny and his "army of the
west", in service of the US expansionsit
movement. Bent on conquering New Mexico from
Mexico, Raton Pass saw quite a bit of traffic
during August of 1846, including 100 suppy
wagons, twenty howitzer canons and a great
many mules
By 1865 traffic on the difficult road was
heavy enough that Dick Wooton built a toll
road over the pass which operated until the
next chapter of transportation began, the
building of the railroad in 1878.

The Civil War Years ( <Yellowjacket
Pass | Glorietta
Pass >): During the Civil War years
Raton Pass was still the pass between two
cultures, but again the culture south of the
pass had metamorphosed, this time into the
confederate south. Several Colorado passes
played a role during the civil war years. The
previous pass is this thread, Yellowjacket
Pass, was surveyed for reasons directly
attributable to the Civil War. The connection
between Raton Pass and the civil war, however
is very different. It had long been discovered
and heavily used. Instead it was the major
thoroughfare for an interesting armed
contingent, on its way to fight its own
version of the civil war.
When Colorado governor Gilpin was refused
troops from the union, because he feared that
the confederate south would try to take
Colorado's gold mines, he did not take it
lightly. Gilpin took matters in his own hands
as far as fighting the southern invasion was
concerned. He organized an army of 1342 gold
camp miners, bartenders, lawyers, preachers,
con men, shoe clerks, pimps, actors and mule
skinners among them. "Gilpin's Lambs", as they
were known sarcastically, were headed by a
lawyer without military experience, and had a
reverend as major, John M. Chivington. It was
this unlikely collection of military
impersonators, who traveled across Raton Pass
to meet General Sibley and his army of fierce
Texans in battle.
Railroads (<Old
La Veta Pass|Kenosha
Pass>): Raton Pass became the second
Colorado pass to be crossed by a railroad. At
the time the name "Cimarron Pass" was used.
The first pass to be crossed by a railroad was
Old La Veta Pass. Even before the first
railcrossing over a Colorado pass was
finished, the dispute over Raton pass had
The two adversaries were the the Santa Fe
railroad arriving from Kansas, and the
Palmer's Denver Rio Grande Railroad from
Denver. For some time they had been laying
track side by side, south from Pueblo. They
knew that when they reached the entrance to
Raton pass, only one of them could contiune.
Which one would it be ?
Denver Rio Grande's Palmer managed to make
more enemies than friends, because he bypassed
exisiting communities in favor for his own
land development profits. The existing wagon
traffic across Raton Pass was controlled by
Dick Wooten's toll road across it. When both
railroads arrived at the base of the pass,
Wooten supported the Santa Fe. He provided
armed guards so that the Santa Fe could start
grading. Was it because of a dislike of
the DRG and Palmer ? The fact that the
Santa Fe offered him 50$ a month, for the rest
of his life could also have had something to
do with it.
Palmer did put up a hard fight for Raton. He
managed to get over Old La Veta Pass even
faster than the Santa Fe could get across
Raton. The two railroads clashed again at the
base of another valley, a canyon really, the
Royal Gorge of the Arkandas near Canyon City.
Palmer forgot all about his original plans,
which was to reach El Paso Texas, and beyond
to Mexico. A silver boom in Leadville had
errupted. That's where the real money could be
made. From where he was, the quickest way to
Leadville was up the Arkansas, a long southern
detour, but a path to the pot of gold
nontheless. That time the conflict between the
Santa Fe and the DRG became a real war en
As far as Colorado passes are concerned,
Raton was the first and last pass for the
Santa Fe. Here the focus shifts to another
railroad and another pass, The Denver South
Park railroad to Kenosha
Modern Highways (<Wolf
Creek Pass|Ute
Pass>): In 1913 Raton Pass became
part of the second designated cross country
automobile route. In the eastern states the
traveler had an atlas of roads to choose from.
In the west the "National Old Trails Road"
reached Colorado Springs over Raton Pass then
continued over Ute Pass, Wilkerson Pass, Trout
Creek Pass, Tennesee Pass onwards to
Grand Junction, Utah and Los Angeles.