FR71 Moffit Basin(sh)
This summit point is a slightly
lower alternative to Moffit Pass in the Uinta
Mountains, when the latter is still covered in
deep snow.
NORTH: jct Mill Creek Rd - Ut150
2.(04.8m,8800ft)profile turns right up
FR32 Whitney Rd
3.(10.0m,9360ft)FR32 Whitney Rd(sh)
4.(11.8m,9010ft)road to Whitney Reservoir
turns right; profile continues straight
5.(15.5m.9850ft)TOP: FR71 Moffit Basin(sh)
6.(16.4m,9460ft)START-END SOUTH: point
along Moffit Creek
From North. The profile
includes part of the paved northern approach to
Bald Mtn Pass. The profile turns onto FR32
to Whitney Reservoir. This is a gravel road, not
very deep gravel, but not a very good surface for
bicycling either. It contours through open forest
with a few nice views onto Uinta Peaks. There is
an unexpected summit along Whitney Rd.
From a picnic bench a little above the Whitney Rd
summit one of the nicest views along the way
appears. The road snaking through the valley below
does not go to Moffit Pass, but to Whitney
Reservoir instead.
Continuing direction Moffit Pass: After a short
descend with a single switchback a long gradual
valley, that seems to have more dessert vegetation
than anything alpine gradually goes up to what
looks like a pass. It seems to be marked with a
sign but when you get there is is just a generic
sign. "Enjoy your forests" it advises. In the
tangle of roads in these rolling meadows above the
treeline, the road to Moffit Pass disappears below
a thick coat of snow, that leaves no hint on its
From South. However
going down the other side of this apparent pass
with the sign advising enjoyment, a faint
abandoned road leads down toward Moffit Creek.
Here too there are at least 2 turnoffs that turn
back up into the hills. After that the trail
crosses Moffit Creek twice. From certain vantage
points you can see as the trail becomes bigger
down in the valley. But I don't know for sure that
it continues through.
A Dayride with this point as highest summit
( < Bald
Mtn Pass | Bear
River Plateau -1 s(u) > )
FR71 Moffit Basin(sh) x2 , FR32 Whitney
Reservoir Rd(sh) x2 : apr jct Bald Mtn Pass
Rd - Lily Lake <> Ut150 south <> FR32
west <> FR32 Whitney Reservoir Rd <>
FR71 Moffit Basin(sh) <> turnaround point
360ft below last summit: 38.7miles with 3640ft of
climbing in 4:56hrs (garmin etrex30 m5:17.6.9)
Notes: On return the route went higher in the
sagebrush area of the summit. Much walking
through snow, with and without bike at
turnaround point and summit area.
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