MacDonald Pass
I want to call this one
Stinking-Car-Exhaust Pass. It is 4 lanes of
asphalt all the way, and barely a turn to
keep down the noise level or the exhaust
fumes. But maybe during conditions other
than a cloudless blazing August heat wave,
conditions are better than that. Actually I
am sure they must be. There are two fairly
nice views along the way of the Helena
Valley. And - except for a short section
below the summit on the east side, there are
no rumble strips, or there is a spacious
shoulder - something that is really rare in
western Montana.
US14 - County Club Ave, northern
2.jct US12 - Priest Pass Rd
3.TOP: 6320ft, MacDonald Pass
4.jct US12 - rd to Mullan Pass, also
called Blossburg Rd
From East. US12 is
a steady mild climb on a 4 lane highway with
a good shoulder to the right of rumble
strips. At one point an interesting view of
the road appears. It appears to climb
ever-so-slightly towards a wide gap on a
mildy rising mountain loaf. But at least on
a cloudless day under the hot August sun,
this is still quite a climb, even if it
doesn't look like it. There is no real
scenery to entertain the mind - until you
get to an overlook, which does present a
impressive picture of the expansive Helena
valley. It is accessible from a football
field sized parking lot. But hardly anybody
seems to stop. From here it is still a small
climb on a good shoulder to the top. Here
another short dirt road leads to a vista
point similar to the previous turnout. the
Continental Divide Trail also crosses at
this shallow summit
West (described downwards). If it
wasn't for the fact that the bike moves down
the road without any necessary pedaling,
scenery-wise this could be a few foothills
in the Appalachians. A short distance down
the road is a roadside water spigot,
originating from a wonderfully cold spring.
A roadside sign anounces it 1/4 mile prior
to getting there. Mandatory pedaling resumes
at the junction with Mullan Pass Rd
Darrides with this point
as highest summit:
( <
Pass | same page> )
MacDonald Pass , Mullan Pass
, additional out and back : near jct
US12 - Mullan Pass Rd > up Mullan Pass Rd
> Mullan Pass > down Skelly Gulch Rd
> Birdseye > jct with US12 <>
out and back into Helena > US12 west >
MacDonald Pass > US12 west > back to
startingpoint near jct US12 - Mullan Pass
Rd: 50.3miles with3710ft of climbing in
4:55hrs (garmin etrex30 m3:20.8.15)
Notes: last very hot day before the start
of a "real "heat wave.
(<same page |
Pass > )
MacDonald Pass, Priest
Pass: near jct US12 - Mullan
Pass Rd > up Mullan Pass Rd > jct with
FR335 <> out and back up Mullan Pass
Rd to turnaround point at next railroad
crossing >> up FR335 > Priest Pass
> down east side of FR345 > US12 west
> MacDonald Pass <> a few miles of
exparatory out and back at summit >>
US12 west > back to starting point near
jct US12 - Mullan Rd: 26.9miles with
3010ft of climbing in 3:03hrs (garmin
etrex30 m3:20.8.16)
Notes: miniature morning ride during
major heat wave, with temperatures
forecast in the 100s in some areas of the
YPR listening area. -still definitely
cooler at the next camping spot on the top
of Mac Donald Pass. The planned route had
been to ride to the top of Mullan Pass and
then take the Continental Divide Trail to
Mac Donald Pass. But a BNSF trail blocked
a road crossing for indeterminate time, I
decided for Priest Pass instead. I think
this was actually a more enjoyable route
than the CD trail.
Toll Roads: Aproximatel two decades
after Mullan had opened his nearby military
road of the pass by the same name, and 5
years before railroads would start to run
over Mullan Pass, conditions were right for
a toll road to be built over this nearby
summit. According to Sprague's "the great
Gates", it was built by EM Lige Dumphy in
the 1870s and managed by MacDonald who has
his name attached to it until 1876.
A sign at the summit suggests another name
for the pass "French Woman's Pass", after
the wife of the builder, who ran a popular
Inn at its base on the west side in
Elliston. She was murdered without that the
case ever being solved, but her husband
considered the prime subject.