NM126 Fenton Lake - jct FR20 s(u)
Maps of New Mexico sometimes
reflect reality only to a point. At least
my Gazeteer Atlas gives no indication,
that part of this road is an unpaved, in
places a very rutted, dusty pathway.
Surprise - I actually saw a group of about
5 other gravel bikers on this route, a
cancer fund raiser of some sort.
This long lonesome road
really contains 3 summits, all shown on
this profile. There are no services along
this route, except for large National
Forest campsites.
SOUTH:jct NM485 to Gilman -
2.Jemez Springs
3.profile turns left onto
NM126 in La Cueva
4.TOP: NM126 Fenton Hill
5.low point between summits
at Fenton Lae
6.TOP: NM126 Fenton Lake -
jct FR20 s(u)-8800ft
7.jctNM126 - FR20
8.TOP: NM126 Deer Lake - jct
FR20 s(u) -8760ft
9 START-END NORTH: Cuba, jct
US550 - NM126
From South. The
description continues from NM126 Fenton
Hill NM126 s(u) at point 5. Several
miles north of Fenton Lake State Park are a
group of vacation homes hidden in the
forest, Soon NM126 abandons its civilized
paved character and turns into a sometimes
sandy and rutted road for a short climb to a
summit point. The dirt parking lot there
looks out over forest
North. (described downwards) The road
reaches from one pasture to the next.
Looking for roadside curiosities, there is
one pasture with a few volcanic looking
rocks, and then a solitary chimney, remnant
of a house from long ago, on private land.
The road reaches a low point of sorts at its
jct with FR20, and pavement starts up again.
Dayride with this point
as highest summit:
( <
Valle Calderas s(u) |
Fenton Hill s(u) > )
NM126 Fenton Lake - jct FR20 x2 , FR20
Nacimiento Mtns s(u) , FR533 Nacimiento
Mtns , NM126 Deer Lake - jct FR20 s(u) : NM126
north of Fenton Lake, a short distance after
end of pavement > NM126 north > NM126
Fenton Lake - jct FR20 > FR20 south >
FR20 Nacimiento Mtns s(u) > FR533 north
> FR533 Nacimiento Mtns s(u) > FR126
east > NM126 Deer Lake - FR20 s(u) >
NM126 Fenton Lake - jct FR20 > back to
starting point on NM126: 42.3miles with
4020ft of climbing in 4:41hrs (garmin
etrex30 m5:21:6.18).
Notes: not the planned route - somebody
told me a road is a closed dead end, where
the map says it is not. 102 degrees in
Albaquerque, but still bearable here
because of clouds in the afternoon.