Ottawa Gulch Rd via Lost Horse
North of Helena the
continental divide is sufficiently low and
tame, so that three named passes can
easily cross the divide. Even more good
small dirt roads criss cross the
surrounding hills and form summits. They
could keep a gravel biker busy a long
time. The name "Lost Horse" is also a
common occurence in Montana. But there is
only one "Lucky Llama", and it is a ranch
and a haven for GDBMR cyclists, who meet
here to enjoy Barbara and John's
hospitality for a night or two, before
they continue on their way. The most part
of the southern approach to this summit is
part of the GDMBR, and I had great company
on this ride.
From the highest point of
this road there is also a short out and
back climb to Mount Belford, which
contains a transmission tower, and a great
view (even though it was a smoky, great
view during my visit). It is the highest
bikable point in the immediate area.
full screen slideshow of
pictures from this page +addtional
US279 - Little Prickly Pear Rd
2,jct Little Prickly Pear Rd - Marsh
Creek Rd
3.profile turns left up Lost Horse
4.GDMBR route stays right on Ottawa
Gulch Rd, profile stays left on
Empire Creek Rd
5.TOP: 6840ft, jct Ottawa Gulch Rd -
Blossburg Rd; also turnoff to Mt
6.profile turns right onto paved
road; left goes uphill to ski area
7.turnoff to Marysville
Marysville Rd
From North. The
profile turns from Little Prickly Pear Road
onto Lost Horse Rd, lined by forest all the
way. A good climbing workout leads to a few
open spots with good views on the next range
to the west. At a triangular intersection
the Great Divide crowd take their leave,
while the profile for this page climbs a
little further, cresting above treeline.
South. A short unpaved downhill leads
to a paved road between Marysvale and the
ski area. Uphill goes to the ski area, and
downhill leads to most laid back town, in
walking vicinity of a ski area, that I have
ever seen - no condos and no apres ski bars.
Instead there are two church buidlings, both
the size of a mountain hut, each one of a
competing congregation. I don;t think they
actually hold services there now. But it
would be a fascinating scene if they did.
Sidetrip to Mt Belmont:
From the high point it is only
a short out and back to the top of Mt
Belmont, all above treeline, and lined with
a kind of cactus, containing strange purple
flowering parts. Looking down in an easterly
direction you see the town Marysville, which
in my case helped restore a sense of
US279 - Little Prickly Pear Rd
2,jct Little Prickly Pear Rd - Marsh
Creek Rd
3.profile turns left up Lost Horse
4.GDMBR route stays left on Ottawa
Gulch Rd, profile stays right
5.Empire Gulch Rd(sh); profile
turns left
6.TOP: 7320ft, Mt Belmont
of Lost Horse Rd approach and the one
way climb to Mt Belmont
cLiCk on image ,
arrows , or thumbnails to advance
Dayride with this point as highest
( < FR485
Marsh Creek Rd s(u) | Flathead
Pass > )
Ottawa Gulch Rd s(u) , additional out and
back : Lucky Llama Ranch > up
Little Prickly Pear Rd > up Lost Horse Rd
> Ottawa Gulch Rd s(u) <> out and
back to top of Mt Belmont(ow) >
Marysville with sightseeing detour > Long
Gulch Rd(shp) > jct with Little Prickly
Pear Ranch Rd <> out and back to jct
with Cr279 >> back to starting point
at Lucky Llama Ranch : 34.7miles with 4030ft
of climbing in 4:48hrs (garmin etrex30
m3:20.8.21, t20_20).
Notes: A day at the
Lucky Llama Ranch:
As you roll down from the summit to the
north, you suddenly notice a few old
bicycles and rims, posed on the side of
the road and realize: "somebody likes
people on/and/or bicycles around here.
Next - the colorful wood cutout of a
cycist - posed behind the clean
straight lines of an old Centurion bike -
sure to have been a trusty touring
companion in some past decade. The
colorful cutout raises its arms in a
welcome gesture. That is the first
impression, when passing this GDBMR haven
of hospitality, Barbara and John's Luck
Llama Ranch. Barbara got this advertising
cutout from a hardware store when they
were done with it, painted bike shorts, a
helmet and sunglasses on it, and voila
"cyclists welcome". When I first saw it ,
I heard a voice :come join us, and take a
sandwich from the refrigerator if you
want. It would not be the last time that I
heard this offer, and it is a good
introduction to the hospitality, that is
about to be heaped upon the visitor. But
you will only know the full extend by
experiencing it yourself.
So this is how the evening
went by on this particular day. The
teepee and hut were occupied by three
parties on this particular night. A young
biking couple: Saxon and Elle He
attributed everything that was best in
live to bicycling in some way, and that
includes meeting his girlfried, and his
job, which consists of working for a bike
company. Accompanying the two was Art, who
had the technology at the ready, weather
it be Ivan Bugaloo on the phone controlled
speaker box for the evening: or a
quite well worked out explanation of
The second team, heading north, consisted
of a fascinating female duo from two
generational groups, but a common love for
cycling: Sheryl and Ally. Their website boomerandbloomer.online
peaks interest in this decades-spanning
relationship. And then there were
also, two traveling musicians, who have
left their instruments behind for now, in
favor of two bicycles, and scrambling up
the Grand Teton.
Lucky Llama Ranch slideshow
cLiCk on image ,
arrows , or thumbnails to advance
The hosts, John and Barbara, invited
everybody for dinner on their porch, and
nobody had even the slightest chance to
leave hungry. It goes without saying
that there was no food to be left behind,
and no food was left behind. The last of
the 18 hamburgers remained uneaten for the
time being, but the guy/girl with the
fattest tire on the bike was awarded lunch
for tomorrow. The prize went to Collin, of
the Mike and Collin team.
Hosts Babara and Johns's philosophy is to
ask to "pass the favor forward". Whatever
they do for us, we should pass it on to
the next person - a sort of pyramid
scheme of good will and kindness. And they
have a few stories of the times it worked
out that way.
Late after dark, Karl from "Where is Karl
now fame" first appeared in the form of a
bopping headlamp in the dark. He anounced
a rattlesnake in the driveway, and also
his arrival - his 6th day on the GDBMR
from the start in the north. When he
joined us to settle down for the evening,
conversation around the conversational
topics around the picnic table seemed to
drift closer to the Darien Gap and the
mysterious things that await the cyclist
on the other side, assuming he can find a
way to cross it. A found bottle of whiskey
was used to disinfect drinking cups and
sterilize whatever needed to be
sterilized. To the best of my
knowledge we all survived.
The next morning pictures were taken.
Coverage of this particular day of history
on the GDMBR should be available on at
least three websites: Karl's "where is
Karl now" youtube channel (but i haven't
been able to find it yet),
boomerandbloomer.online and this one.
"Everybody is a promoter these days"
observed Saxon, as Karl lined up people to
enunciate the best reasons why more people
should bike the GDBMR. All the promotion
and documentation are just fine with me,
as long as they involve some aspect of
cycling. And so I documented the
documentation. This was one of the
busier days in the history of the Lucky
Llama - but not unusual. John tells me
they get roughly as many cyclists a year
as their are days in it, but of course
none in the winter, and unevenly
And so, the next morning, all parties
continued their journey in two opposite
directions. As for me, I was accompanied
by Lucky Llama John himself, who rode to
Helena for a dinner date with friends that
evening. We split at the junction towards
Mt Belmont. There I also saw boomer and
bloomer, Sheryl and Ally, one more time.
We had passed them when they missed a
turn. How refreshing - some people still
have old style adventures, like getting
lost without a gps, that whispers
directions in the forest, or sounds an
alarm, Now does that wrong turn go to
boomer's or bloomer's credit ??