Stony Pass
Stony Pass was one of the first
connections between the remote alpine Silverton
area and the outside world. It started as a
long, rambling wilderness route and it still is.
People from southern states have a long history
in exploring Baker Park, as the Silverton area
was called. Still today, jeep convoys, all with
Texas license plates are a common sight in the
summer. Stony Pass is much smoother than the
name would lead to suspect. Unstony Pass would
be a more descriptive name.

click on profile for more detail
START-END NORTH: downtown Silverton
02.(9680ft,mile05) Howardsville; route
turns right
03.(12588ft,mile10) TOP: Stony Pass
04.(10940ft,mile14) junction with Deep
Creek road, continue straight
05.(10550ft,mile17) Pole Creek crossing
06.(10790ft,mile18) START-END SOUTH
ALTERNATE: Timber Hill
07.(9450ft,mile26) west end of Rio Grande
08.(9260ft,mile33) START-END SOUTH: River
Hill campground
From East. The turnoff to Stony Park
looks like any of the numerous gulches leading
from the Animas Canyon to uncountable mine
remnants, just a narrow dirt track disappearing
into the forest below lava plated peaks. From the
bottom there is no hint that this little road just
keeps on climbing till it can climb no more.
Immediately after the turnoff a left fork leads
to a spot, where tourists pay money to be shown
mine ruins. The left fork eventually joins back
with the right fork. But the right fork is the
more gradual approach to the pass. At the point of
reunion Stony Pass leaves Cunningham Gulch by
steeply switching back up the left flank. After
the junction with county road 3b a short, shallow
downhill leads to an extremely steep section,
where the road climbs the step above treeline. A
few more switchbacks gain little of the "as
the crow flies" distance to the summit. The summit
passes between two crowning rock formations. Only
the north eastern one seems to be named, Canby
Mountain (13478ft).
From West. (also described uphill) The
description begins at Timber Hill, about 7 miles
upstream from Rio Grande Reservoir, which is as
far as I got so far. The path at this point is
narrower and much rougher than further up the
pass. A small descent leads past the turnoff to
Kyte Lake, to a crossing of Pole Creek. Even in
late July the creek carries enough water to make
riding through it impossible. But a portage is no
problem. From here the ascent leads straight up
the valley, aiming squarely for the pass. The road
is smooth and very rideable. Only a few curves
traverse into the hillside, before again taking
aim at the notch between the two 13000 foot
castles ahead.
Dayride with this point as highest summit:
Stony Pass x2: . An out and back
ride beginning in the Eureka area in Animas
Canyon, crossing the pass and descending as far as
Timber Hill, then returning the same way measured
33 miles with 5600 feet of climbing in 5.1 hours.
Notes: Stormy weather forced an early turn
What is a remote wilderness route today, started
in a similar environment as a Ute Indian trail.
While searching for a way from Santa Fe to
California, Escalante and Dominquez knew of its
existence. First knowledge of the pass to the
Anglican America world is usually credited to
Charles Baker, a southerner looking for gold in
the north. For a while the entire valley carried
his name, Baker Park.
The Leadville Boom Period (<Red Mountain
Pass>). Stony Pass became a major route
connecting the Silverton area with the outside
world during the mining boom. It was the directest
route to Santa Fe and other points south. Between
1871 and 1882 it was used for everything from fine
china to industrial mining equipment. During the
first year traders often had to switch from wagons
to pack mules to cross the pass. In 1872
construction of a wagon road started, and between
1875 and 1882 you could send your belongings via
regular freight service over the crest. But the
pass was never in great shape. Instead it did have
the advantage, that it did not cross Ute Indian
lands, as Otto Mears route over Cerro Summit
and Blue Mesa Summit
did. In 1882 traffic across Stony Pass dried up,
due to the next generation of transportation, the
Denver Rio Grande railroad. It preferred to chug
along much gentler grades of long canyons and
This is the last pass in this thread, that played
an important role in developing the San Juan area
during the boom days. There are however other,
even steeper passes that served traffic to local
mines, such as Hurricane
Hayden Survey:
During the summer of 1874 the Hayden Survey was
engaged in an elaborate search for a route
suitable for heavy mining equipment to Silverton.
In the process they had mapped areas below Engineer Pass, Red Mountain Pass
and lastly Lizard
Head Pass. During all this time Stony Pass
was already well used. The Hayden Survey had
finally found a route to their liking too, when
they explored the already existing pack train
trail up Stony Pass. The miners called it Rio
Grande Pass, or Cunningham Pass after the promoter
at Cunningham Gulch, which is really the name of a
nearby alternate summit. Rhoda measured the
altitude with a single reading of his barometer at
12090 feet. They examined the route down towards
the supply town of Del Norte as far as Lost Trail
Creek. After the work was done, they entertained
themselves by climbing the classic Rio Grande
Pyramid, 12 miles southeast of Stony Pass.
It was time for Stony Pass to return to anonymity.
By the time the railroad arrived it was
practically abandoned. In 1916 it was considered
for a state highway. The decision was not adopted.
The pass and the railroad that replaced it
followed a similar destiny. Both made the
transition from capitalistic enterprises to
attractions. The Silverton railroad chugs in the
valley below, and mountain bikers ( vastly
ounumbered by motorized convoys with license
plates from Charles Baker country ) chug over the
pass. The pass also serves as Colorado Trail
Detour around the Weemenuche Wilderness for MTB
riders. Today's road was opened by the forest
service in the 50s, and improved during the 60s
and 70s. Some of the steeper stretches have been
eliminated and the surface smoothed.
