Segus s(u)
This little summit is a sort of
mini "home summit" for cyclists in
Lourdes. The quiet road goes through the suburbs
of sorts, 3 quiet villages, not medieval but
still very tasteful and picturesque.
NORTH:road to Omex branches off main road
north of Lourdes
3.(04.5km,0570m)Segus s(u)
5.(09.0km,0400m)START-END SOUTH:bridge
over La Gave de Pau, Aspin
From North. As you leave
Lourdes on the north side on the non truck route,
going direction Lesthel-Betharam, there is a sign
for the road direction Omex, and that is one of
the three villages along this little road.
There are virtually no cars on this road, and
this makes for a peaceful climb through the
forest, passing two campgrounds along the way.
Before reaching Omex there is a nice view stretch
north, to take in the snow covered mountains. Omex
is a little distance off this "main side road".
It's a great detour for those that love flowers in
bloom (at least during the spring). The highest
point is reached as the road goes through the next
village, Segus. There are two different ways to
negotiate its town streets. The profile takes the
higher of the two possibilities and reaches the
summit, while passing below the church.
From South. (described
downwards) I also enjoyed looking around the
flowered streets and houses of the last village
Ossen. A quick forest descend leads back to the
road and bike path, connecting Lourdes and
cLiCk on image , arrows
, or thumbnails to advance slideshow
Dayride with this point as highest summit:
( < Col d'Aubisque
| Col des Borderes
> )
Segus s(u) : Boo-Silhen > bikepath south
> Lourdes > Omex > Segus s(u) > Ossen
> back to Lourdes for extensive sight seeing >
bikepath north back to starting point in Boo-Silhen:
33.1miles with f1680ft of climbing in 3:20hrs
(garmin etrex30 r5:19.6.9)
Notes: this was mostly a sight seeing ride in