Franklin Basin Rd s(u)
This summit follows the
drainage of Logan River in a north south
direction, cresting parallel to the Bear
River Range. By far the easiest access
road is from Utah, but the summit is in
E400 - North Main Street, Logan
2.jct US89 Logan Canyon - Temple
Fork Rd
3.profile turns left onto Franklin
Basin Rd
4.TOP: 8120ft
5.jct with road to Danish Pass on
6.campground at bottom of Hilyard
Canyon, begin Cub River Rd
7.START-END NORTH:jct Cub Rier Rd -
US91, south of Preston
From South. The
profile includes the paved climb from Logan
up Logan Canyon. At a shallow section
between the initial canyon climb and the
final climb to Bear
Lake Summit, a well used dirt road
follows the Logan River up to a wide shallow
The road follows along on a
subalpine meadow. At the top a few rock
outcrops to the west hint at the presence of
a fault range. There is no indication of
crossing the state line, but the top is in
Idaho. On both sides near the summit the
road surface is quite sandy.
North. At a turnoff less than 300ft
below the summit, a dirt road to the east
crosses the higher Danish Pass.
Therefor Franklin Basin Rd is a shoulder
summit. Below this turnoff the road
alternates between a medium rough torn up
ATV trail and a mediocre dirt road. This
section down Hiyard Canyon is steeper and
rougher than anything else on the profile.
From the jct with Cub River Rd
a good fast dirt road leads down the last 20
miles towards Preston and its rounded
breadloaf grasshills. The last several miles
are paved.

Dayride with this point as highest
( <
FR147 Ephraim's Grave(sh) |
Danish Pass
> )
FR406 Franklin Basin Rd(sh) : a short
distance up FR406 from its jct with Ut89 up
Logan Canyon > up FRFranklin Basin Rd
> FR406 Franklin Basin Rd(sh) <>
short out and back up FR415 > down
Hilyard Canyon Rd > down Cub River Rd
> FR91 south > Franklin > Logan
> up US89 Logan Canyon > back to
starting point on FR406: 78.2miles with
4460ft of climbing in 6:33hrs (garmin
etrex30 m3:20.9.18)
Notes: at jct Cub River Rd - Ut91 I met
Alan and Evelyn, the first real cyclists
since the GDMBR,and the first people I
could relate to since then, a missionary
with a mission to boot. Thanks for the
great conversation, and I hope someday there
will be more.