This is a pleasant, fairly low
dessert gravel pass over the Dragoon Mountains
east of Tombstone. It can be part of a great
all-surface loop ride that also includes a
paved summit with so little traffic, it could
be gravel too.
1.START-END EAST:jct Az101
- Pearce Rd
3.TOP, Middlemarch Pass,5940ft
4.profile turns left onto Az80
5.START-END WEST:low point on Az80,
immediately before entering Tombstone
From South. Pearce is
a couple of fixed up old historic buildings,
where two roads happen to cross at 90 degree
angles. FR345 heads roughly south of landmark
Cochise Peak as straight as an arrow. The
pavement disappears as soon as the crossroads
named Pearce, disappear from view. The climb is
steady and slight, and the wind was a much
bigger factor in my case. Before Cochise Peak
draws too near, Middlemarch Road takes a signed
left fork and winds through the dessert
shrubbery towards a gap. Already from far below,
one suspects that this would make a nice little
gap for a road. The national forest boiundary is
not far. But before then you are subjected to a
sign that forbids you to loiter, or even stop so
keep pedalling. But friendly public land is not
far. A discreet little national forest sign
looks very welcoming in this situation. The road
now becomes steeper, narrower, rougher, curvier,
and more obviously more interesting. The
switchbacks heighten the vantage point onto
Spring Valley and the distant Chiricahua
Mountains. The top of the pass cannot be seen
until you arrive there. It is actually quite a
low gap. Forested rounded peaks ahead, before I
arrived there, made me think the summit would be
much higher
From North.
(described downwards). The bouncing turns
and decends from the top are pleasant. But the
Dragoon Mountains do not show off their
precipitous rocky faces until the road is
further down, where it seems to parallel the
range for a short distance. After this the route
becomes a fast wide super highway, that just
happens to be nonpaved. In spite of that - no
traffic. The profile ends at a low point just
before the junction withh Az80, immediately
north of Tombstone
cLiCk on image , arrows
, or thumbnails to advance slideshow
Dayride with this point as
highest summit:
( <
Point(ow) |
Pass > )
Middlemarch Pass , Gleeson Rd s(u) : FR345
Middlemarch Rd, NF boundary west of Pearce >
FR345 west > Middlemarch Pass > Az80 south
> Tombstone > Gleeson Rd east > N Ghost
Town Trail[a road] north > S Ghost Town Tral
north > Pearce > FR345 back to starting
point: 59.3miles with 3790ft of climbing in 5:47
(garmin etrex32x m6:24:11.15).