Dubce Pass
This is actually a really
low pass with a very small, not even steep
climb. However - pictures can make it look
like the road below is chiselled into a
cliff. Also the limestone peaks of the
Dinarian mountains to the south reach 1700
meters. This is definitely a favorite
coastal location for me ?
point on 6167, some distance west of
2.profile turns up the pass, away
from the Omis - Makarska road.
3.TOP, 280m, Dubce Pass
4.START-END WEST:jct 6166 - 67134,
near bridge over Cetina river
From North. The
coastal road starts climbing gently soon
after leaving Omis and rolls along at a
spectacular 100 meter viewing height, and
stays at that elevation for several kms. To
the south the series of limestone cliffs top
out at about 1600 meters, while this
approach from the north goes over an
especially precipetous set of cliffs.
At a high point on this
coastal traverse at about 250m, a turnoff
leads to this pass. Two moderate switchbacks
quickly lead to the top. A road cut is
directly before the pass. Here the last view
of the sea disappears forever, but the
rugged peaks above Makarska will still keep
the rider company for a long time.
Slideshow of the main pass road
cLiCk on image ,
arrows , or thumbnails to advance
From South. (described
downwards) Two inland approaches meet
exactly at the top. Taking a left onto the
small 6137 parallels the above described
northern approach in a deep river canyon
back to Omis. That is the option shown on
the profile.
Staying on the main road to
Zadvarje, it is more difficult to find an
approach of any height. The road only looses
about 100 meters to a low point past
Zadvarje before it starts climbing again.
However there are various descends into deep
river canyons that one could interpret as
another approach on this side.
Sidetrip to an old
microwave reflection dish above the pass
The views I was able
to get from this small out and back summit
are my favorite memories of the Dinarian
mountains behind Makarska.
point on 6167, some distance west of
2.profile turns up the pass, away
from the Omis - Makarska road.
3.Dubce Pass
4.profile turns left onto small,
unsigned out and back road
5.TOP, 550m
6.end of road
external slide show of the
out and back summit