Bikepaths over mountain
passes are a very rare animal. It is even
rarer to run into one by accident, which I
did in this case.
The road crosses a
mountain-meadow divide between a national
park in Germany and a nature reserve in
Austria. Especially the German side is a
popular bike route, where cars are not
allowed on this perfectly smooth paved
road, with the width of a bike path.
A German web site points
out that this route is of course less than
ideal for skinny tire bikes in the winter
[Note1 at end of page]. The person goes on
to say that the same is true for fall,
because of a thick cover of wet, slippery
leaves. This is not so "of course"
but it makes sense.
None of the people I talked
to, actually referred to this road as a
pass. They called it just Hirschbichl.
Most maps label it as Hirschbichlstrasse.
But informational tablets at the top of
the road, explain its role as a historic
trading pass especially during the times
of salt-trading, also notorious as a
smuggling route. There was a border
control here till 1963. My openstreetmap
also labels it as Hirschbichlpass.
external slide show with
pictures from this page +addititonal
B319-B305 (from Oberau and Salzburg)
3.Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden
4.entrance into National Park above
5.border crossing to Austria, and
Bergheim (Inn) Hirschbichl
6.TOP: Hirschbichl Pass, 1183m
7.end of narrow road at jct with
8.START-END WEST:jct with B311 at
Weissbach bei Lofer
From East. From
Berchtesgaden busy B306 climbs to Ramsau.
This town is the best base camp town for
hikes and bike rides into the surrounding
mountains (in my opinion). The road passes a
popularly painted and photographed scene of
the St Sebastian church. There is also a
very short kind-of "stations of the cross"
path past that. Unfortunately the view of
the mountains from the path is blocked by
modern construction. I included a picture
from the architecture along the way in the
slide show. ... Leaving behind a major part
of the traffic, the route continues to climb
to the lake Hintersee.
Traffic from here on continues
to be heavy in my experience, but now it
consists exclusively of mountain e-bikes and
the occasional racing bike. In my case there
were two exceptions: a couple on touring
bikes and my own bike of the same kind. And
then "of course", there is the occasional
alm-experience-bus. It takes throngs of
tourists to the trailhead of their choice.
But cars are no longer part of the scene,
now that the road has crossed into national
park land, and is just barely wide enough
for the bus
The road stays at the bottom
of the valley. But the views to the
skyscraper peaks become more common as the
road climbs. Especially interesting is a
trail - detour starting at Bichlalm. It
rejoins the road after a few kms. It is open
to bicycles and smooth enough for any and
all of them. The top of the road has a few
extremely steep pitches, followed by small
let-ups where one can catch ones breath (or
in my case get back on the bike). At the
German-Austrian border there is a sign with
name and elevation, followed by a cafe and
informational displays about the pass.
However the highest point of the road comes
a little later in Austria.
cLiCk on image ,
arrows , or thumbnails to advance
From West.
(described downwards). The roadbed on this
side is not as spotlessly perfect as on the
German side, but it still is more than
enough for any skinny tire bike. The
steepness is advertised to reach 30 percent.
It is extremely variable, and a few short
pitches probably are that steep. The
landscape on this side tends to be greener,
and late light flattens the mountains into
cutouts. This side is an Austrian Natural
Park, but cars are allowed, even if they
can't move any faster than a bicycle on the
twisty upper section.
Dayride with this point as highest
( <
Vrsic Pass
> )
Hochbichlstr s(u) x2: Womostellplatz
above Oberau <> Berchtesgaden with
several km of slow sightseeing detours
<> Hintersee <> Hirschbichlstr
s(u) << turnaround point ~750ft below
summit: 45.3m with 4400ft of climbing in
5:01hrs (garmin etrex30 r5:21.9.9).
Notes: I discovered this route by
accident, so this was a real sight seeing
In the 13th century international trade
headlines were made not by computer chips or
oil, but salt. Salt producers in Hallein and
Schellenberg exported it over this pass
south into Tyrol.
In the long history of European
confrontations, this pass played a minor
role in wars that resulted indirectly from
the French revolution. Rifle men were
stationed on top, but the war happened else
where. When troops were recalled on the two
neighboring, much lower valley passes: Pass
Strueb and Pass Lueg, the positions on
Hirschbichl were also withdrawn.
The Inn at the top is not only a picturesque
place to relax. Hospitality at this spot has
a long history, which starts with beer. A
beer tap in the guard house dates back to
1738. Complaints by competing hosts in the
valley of surrounding communities took till
1742 to be settled - in favor of the beer
tap on the summit. In 1805, strengthened by
further legal affirmations, the beer tap
became a full fledged inn
The pass was also part of a pilgrimage
route. The destination was Sankt Martin bei
Lofer in Austria with several chapels along
the way, including the one near the top of
this pass.
[Note1]:The word "of course" is frequently
overused by Germans speaking in English
(just watch a DW news program in English
sometime, if you live in Denver it's channel
12.3), but I think it would fit here.