Port de Bales
This is my favorite "home pass" of
what may be the most charming Tour de France town:
Bagneres de Bigorre. This route gets less traffic
than other passes near this attractive bath town.
Not only that, it climbs higher and is more remote
with better far views. Many maps do not show
clearly that this is a through going paved road
(including my bargain basement used Michelin
START-END SOUTH:northern end of Bagneres
de Luchon
2.(03.5km0830,m)profile goes right; left
goes to Col de Peyresroude
3.(07.0km,1110m) St Paul d'Oeuil
5.(13.5km,1330m)Bourg d'Oeuil
6.(19.3km,1755m)TOP Port de Bales
8.(45.1km,0460m)START-END NORTH: Siradan
From South. The profile
starts in Bagneres de Luchon, and starts with all
the traffic, going up towards Col de
Peyresrourde. The traffic immediately
disappears after the two routes diverge. About 10
km further up on the ride, I found out one reason
for this abrupt improvement. The other side was
"barre". But for bicycles it made no difference.
The road passes a number of picturesque villages,
not particularly medievally clustered together,
but loosely organized around a church. Still - the
church sits on the highest spot of the village,
take Cabous for example. In Bourg d'Oeuil, the
road finally becomes serious - no more diversions
and excuses to stop to photograph village scenes
for me. It is finally time to get a work out in.
The road switches back onto itself and the rest of
the climb is on rounded tundra hills. On my ride
on the 29th of May it gets amazingly cold on this
last part. Behind Luchon a whilte lip of high
mountains appears that looks, still much colder
looking, than I feel approaching the summit. In
order to get a better look at them I take a short
out and back detour up the somewhat paved path to
Col de Pierrefite.
On top of Port de Bales is a signforest, relating
to the pass, consisiting in equal measure of
warnings and dedications. The sticks stand out on
the tundra scape as do the hundreds of tiny sheep
dotting the green hills.
From North. (described
downwards) I imagine even in times when there are
no signs discouraging people from travelling over
the pass, this must be one of the more isolated
roads in the French Pyrenees. On the 17km between
the top and the first village Ferrere, I saw 2
cyclists and one motorized vehicle. If I would
have counted the turns instead, I imagine I would
have come up with hundreds - no switchbacks after
the very top, just and and neverending procession
of turns following a creek into ever lower depths.
The profile ends in Mauleaon-Barousse, another
village with small water falls and large flower
falls hanging above the water. Ivy overgrown walls
compete for attention with hanging balconies and
perfectlly placed flower pots.
cLiCk on image , arrows
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Dayride with this point as highest point:
( < Port de
Bonaiqua | Col de
Mente > )
Port de Bales: Bagneres de Luchon <>
short detour to Benque >> Bourg d'Oeuil >
Port de Bales > Ferrere > Mauleon-Barousse
> Cacarith > Siradan > Cierp-Gaud > Cier
de Luchon > back to starting poinnt in Bagneres
de Luchon with several sightseeing detours :
50.0miles with 5277ft of climbing in 5:19hrs (garmin
etrex30 r5:19.5.29)
Cycling - Tour de France: The pass has been 5
times as part of the Tour de France: in 2007, 10,
12, 14 and 17.