Secret Pass
This little pass squeezes through
a stark mountain range, appropriately named Bare
Mountain. The "mountain" is really a linear
range, and it is squeezed into a narrow strip of
land between I95 on one side and Nellis Air
Force Base and the Nevada Test Site on the
other. The character of the two approaches to
this pass are very different.
NORTH:jct large, unsigned gravel road -
I95, south end of Beatty
2.profile turns right onto smaller gravel
road, just before unsgined summit
3. TOP: Secret Pass; 4940ft, turnoff to
Microwave facility is just before
4.end of streambed section in Tarantula
Canyon. Profile turns right
5.start of wide gravel road at mine site
6.START-END SOUTH:jct I95 - unsgined
gravel road
From West. For days I had
been following dotted lines on my deLorme Gazeteer
Atlas, looking for scenic climbs. Invariably I
would find myself walking the bike in an arroyo
with coarse gravel so deep, my bike felt like a
boat. Imagine my surprise, when today I was
following another dotted line, and it turned out
to be a road perfect for gravel biking. Actually
much of it was hard medalled surface, so even a
road bike would be fine. This first part is also
an access road for a commercially active mine.
Twice trucks stopped and warned me about the heavy
traffic ahead. But I don't consider 5 vehicles in
the space of an hour that bad.
This road climbs straight as an
arrow above the muddled geologic strata engulfing
Beatty. As already mentioned, the surface is kept
well maintained, even if turnoffs are a bit of a
mystery. But staying on the main road and just
climbing works - until the road reaches a crest.
Here it's time to leave the smooth conditions and
head direction microwave tower to the south. The
pass is immediately below the tower. The short out
and back to the microwave tower has so many great
views, it gets its own slide show.
Slideshow of approaches to the 2 way summit
cLiCk on image , arrows ,
or thumbnails to advance slideshow
From East. (described
downwards) Unfortunately, comfortable things
rarely last long. The surface takes on a
more rocky character as the now narrow jeep road
descends between two large portal rocks. They look
like the site on a shot gun. A little further down
comes the worst part of this loop starts, yet
another long deep gravel arroyo. It necessitates
walking the boat. There is an alternative nearby
route to the east, that stays out of the
streambed. I missed it. But this would appear to
be the better choice. It eventually joins back to
the main streambed. But from that point the
walking section is quite short.
Heading right at the next junction
quickly leads quickly to a traverse on the
alluvial fan, with steadily improving biking
conditions. The strange straight-as-a-ruler
geology across the valley is already part of the
Nellis Airforce Range. As evidence, the sky
contains a few wildly curving jet streams.
Suddenly the bike starts rolling faster all on its
own. After some miles the road meets up with a
service road for a large well of some sort. The
road is now wide, but still quite rocky. After a
second service road to another well takes over,
the conditions become perfect for cycling again, a
smooth hard surface perfect for laying down miles,
I95 moves ever closer. A last gap between it and
the road is labeled as Steve's Pass on maps. It
does not contain the required 500ft of elevation
gain on each side, in order for me to count it .
Actually, it doesn't even contain a 100ft climb.
The one way summit to the Lookout
cLiCk on image , arrows ,
or thumbnails to advance slideshow
Dayride with this point as
highest summit:
( < Daylight Pass
| East
Railroad Springs Rd - Iron Springs Rd(sh)
> )
Secret Pass : just south of Beatty near I95
> I95 north >unmarked road north, leaving
I95 immeciately south of Beatty > turnoff to
right onto unmarked road heading for microwave
tower <> out and back to microwave tower
> Secret Pass > down unmarked roads as shown
in profile > I95 north back to starting point:
32.9miles with 2620ft of climbing in 4:18 hrs
(garmin etrex32x 23.4.26)
Notes: this part of I95 has a good shoulder for
cycling, except for the last mile before getting
close to Beatty. I met no vehicles of any kind
between the turnoff from the first mining road
to the jct with I95