Bear River Plateau -2 s(u)
The Bear River Plateau is at the
center of Bear named land features. The Bear River
Divide is to the east, Bear Lake and the Bear
River Range are to the west and the Bear River is
on three sides - all except the south.
It may seem to the uninvolved
visitor , that the Bear River Plateau is a noman's
land, or a an exclusive ranching area. Actually
there is a majority of public BLM land here. But
there are no signs in the maze of tracks through
the sage. But under the right weather conditions
there are some very isolated, beautiful far views
- beautiful in a desolate kind of way. It is also
an important wild life area.
EAST: jct Manhead rd - 6 Mile Rd
2.(02.4m,6330ft)profile turns right off 6
Mile rd
3.(09.5m,6830ft)route turns hard left on
unmarked route
5.(17.6m,5990ft)profile meets Cisco Rd
along east shore of Bear Lake
6.(19.8m,5960ft)START-END WEST: low point
on Cisco Rd
From East. I thought the
profile should start at at a ranch on the Manhead
Road. However the first part along this road is
actually downill. Pavement continues up this
traffic free thoroughfare through the sage to the
junction with 6 Mile Road. This turns out to be a
low point, and that is where the profile starts.
(See the map+profile tab on top of page for a
visual aid).
This dirt road through a shallow sage bowl leads
to a reservoir ruled by cows. A right leads onto
what a sign advertises as "mountain road".
Otherwise information on where you are is not
provided at any intersection. To show just how
apparently free and liberty loving the local
people are, they shot the sign full of holes, so
that it is hard to make out the letters, because
of the bullet holes in the sign
After taking this right turnoff "Mountain Road"
continues to climb gently in this sagebrush in a
valley shaped like a rain gutter. Finally the
climax, or so it seems, a series of grain storage
towers and an abandoned ranching hut. Yet the road
keeps climbing past that, reaching a flowing high
plateau on a easily rideable, unpaved road, made
from compressed dirt, that sees hardly ever any
traffic. The Bear River Range looks like a
white long doodle on the horizon (several pictures
below). The road makes a right turn following a
fence line.This is another possible shoulder
summit if you do not take the next left, as the
profile does. The first left is a bit tenuous.
Soon after that a more established looking path
turns left, heading straight west, direction Bear
This second road crests after following this
inclined plane to yet another panoramically staged
set of storage bins. With clear light the views
can reach from the Unita Mountains to the Bear
River Range to other peaks in Idaho that I cannot
identify. They all seem distant and small like
astrological features in outer space. But the
nearness of a transmission tower above the shores
of Bear Lake, that I have seen on other rides,
provides relative confidence of not being lost
(even if nobody knows where I am, and I haven't
seen any people since the bar-something ranch).
From West. (described
downwards). The straight descend soon meets up
with the road climbing up from South Eden Canyon -
not a particularly fitting name, unless you like
cows and rattlesnakes. The area above South Eden
Canyon is another cow infested sagebrush
raingutter, but this time also featuring some rock
outcrops in the lower region. Actually there are
some nice and peaceful camping places in the trees
in the lower part. Bear Lake becomes visible from
the road, but calling it a view would be an
overstatement. ... as for the rattlesnakes. There
were two in the road on the way down. The second
one almost jumped into my spokes. Good thing for
me that it decided to go in the opposite direction
of the jump, in the last split second
A Dayride with this point as intermediate
summit is on page: Bear
River Plateau(sh) -1