Canyon Creek Trail s(u)
Here is one more reason for mountain
bikers to torture themselves to ascent the rocky
Tomichi Creek Rd. It is not just Tomichi Pass
anymore. A single track leaves the Tomichi Pass
Road before reaching the top, and leads up the
ridge to the south. It goes higher than any of the
mining road passes in the area. On the other side
of all that walking waits a monumentally long
downhill, all on single track.
EAST1: jct Tomichi Creek Rd - Old Monarch
Pass Rd, north of Sargents
2.(mile03.1,9280ft)jct with single track
trail on left
3.(mile09.4,11200ft)profile turns left
onto Canyon Creek Trail
4.(mile11.6,12580ft)TOP: Canyon Creek
Trail s(u)
5.(mile16.9,10170ft)jct with road, but
profile continues on single track towards
6.(mile22.6,9280ft)START-END EAST2: same
as point 2
From East.The profile
follows Tomichi Creek Rd up to within half a mile
of Tomichi Pass.
That page contains a more excruciating
description of how rocky that jeep road is.
With the top of the pass well in sight, a trail
sign, some distance from the road shows the start
of Canyon Ridge Trail. The next portion of the
trip does not get any easier. The bike has to be
pushed, heaved, maybe carried, occasionally ridden
by those who think it's worth it for a couple of
yards. But this is also the scenically most
exciting part of the trip. Tomichi Pass, Hancock Pass, Williams Pass, and
other side spurs to mines can all be seen, like
lines on a map from above.The top of the trail is
also the top of Granite Mountain 12598ft.
From West. (described
downwards). The trail follows along the ridge line
of this rounded mountain, and then traverses along
a giant bowl of Tundra. At the end of the traverse
there are two trail junctions in close proximity.
One climbs a little and then also descends to the
Tomichi Creek Rd, while the option shown here
continues west.
The signed Canyon Creek Trail crosses a secondary
ridge, that joins the main ridge at about the same
elevation, and traverses along another big bowl
down to treeline. But there are many more miles of
single track left. The trail seems to be well
used, judging from all the tire tracks and the
After about 5 miles, there is a junction with a
road. But the road climbs away from the creek,
while the trail continues to follow it. Another
trail junction after 3 miles allows access over
more trails to points north.
After having followed the creek for all those miles,
without longer stretches that have not been
rideable, the trail has one more surprise in the
last 2 miles before reaching Tomichi Creek Rd again
- a 250ft climb, much of which is not rideable - and
this section is open to motorcycles. The creek
remains below.
cLiCk on image , arrows
, or thumbnails to advance slideshow
Dayride with this point as highest summit:
(< Monarch Pass |
Black Sage Pass
> )
Canyon Creek Trail s(u) : a short
distance up the western start of Old Monarch Pass Rd
> down Old Monarch Pass Rd > up Tomchi Creek
Rd north > White Pine > Tomichi > up Canyon
Creek Trail > Canyon Creek Trail s(u) > down
Canyon Creek Trail > Tomichi Creek Rd south >
back to starting point: 29.8miles with 4810ft of
climbing in 7:04hrs (garmin etrex30 m5:18.6.12).
Notes: that wasn't the route I had planned. But
after having given up on the Tomichi Pass, Waunita Pass, Black Sage Pass
loop, because of all those rocks, I met two
mountain bikers going up, who told me about this