jct 5110 - 59132 Krivi Put s(u)
There are quite a few
possible summit points on the rolling
ridge, immediately adjacent to the coast
between Senj and Crikvenica. It is the
approaches leading up from the coast to
these points that make these rides so
interesting. This particular short loop
isolates what may be the best approach on
the entire ridge. The other side is a busy
main road mountain pass.
Senj, north of harbor
2.jct with road along ridge, 5110
3.TOP: 2960ft~900m profile stays
left along ridge
4.profile joins main road at Vratnik
Pass, 700m
5.START-END WEST-2: Senj, south of
From West-1. In my
opinion this is the best, most scenic, great
to ride climb up to this plateau-like ridge,
whatever the highest particular point you
are aiming for up here. It is very confusing
to find from this side without electronic
aids. The best bet is to start climbing at
the Plodine supermarket and then just keep
on going through the residential alleyways,
no matter how unlikely they seem to lead
anywhere. It is actually just a couple of
blocks before a sign actually points the way
Now the ride is smooth and
wide and free of traffic and the views keep
improving with every breath gasped. But the
light tends to deteriorate later in the day.
So the best cliff views of Krk and Cres may
motivate to climb fast. Once amongst the
windmills, any number of shortcuts or town
detours may change the exact summit point.
The highest point on this particular profile
is actually a very narrow road along the
ridge. It crests where the route leaves 5110
and continues along the ridge on 59132.
From West-2. (described
downwards) There are some incredible views
of the islands below for a few miles, as the
narrow road traverses along open fields. But
in my case the weather was deteriorating
quickly. The last kms to busy D23 are in the
forest. This ridge road joins the main road
at a pass called "Vratnik". There are no
signs, just a few ransacked tourist
buildings. The decent into Senj is in fairly
heavy traffic on a wide road, mostly in the
forest. One switchback has another nice view
of the cliffs below.
cLiCk on image ,
arrows , or thumbnails to advance
Dayride with this point
as highest summit:
( <
Smokvica-Senj(sh) |
Mirilia Road(ow) > )
jct 5110 - 59132 Krivi Put s(u):
Bunica > Senj > up 5110 <> short
out and back detour on 5110 >> jct
5110 -59132 Krivi Put s(u) > 59132 south
> Vratnik Pass(shp) > D23 west with
short exploratory detour > Senj
with sightseeing and shopping detour >
back to staring point in Bunica: 32.4miles
with 4040ft of climbing in 3:40hrs (garmin
etrex30 m5:21.10.20)
Notes: short ride due to cold and wind up
on the ridge, while the weather is just
perfect on the coast.