Col des Borderes
This pass is on a parallel route to
the lower eastern approach to Col d'Auisque,
following D918. The route to Col des Borderes has
less traffic, and also fewer interesting views
than D918, making this a great repeatable workout
START-END EAST-1:bikepath below
2.(03.7km,0680m)profile branches onto D103
to right
3.(12.0km,0980m)profile turns onto D603 to
4.(14.4km,1156m)TOP:Col des Borderes
7.(27.9km,0680m)START-END EAST-2: same as
point 2
From East-1. This
profile starts out on busy D918 from
Argeles-Gasost towards Aucun. The traffic quickly
becomes a bad memory when the route turns onto a
side road following signs for the over 3000m high
Lac d'Estang. Consulting the map, there are also
other ways of avoiding the traffic of the initial
climb from Argeles-Gazost.
A quiet peaceful road climbs through the forest.
After parting ways with the route to above 3000m,
a few steep switchbacks lead to a summit meadow.
There are however no far views
From East-2. A few
quick turns lead into Arrens-Massous, site of a
curious looking hotel in a small village. Past
Aucun the profile on this side follows the
relatively heavy traffic of D918 back down to
where the south profile leaves it.
Dayride with this point as highest summit:
( < Segus s(u) |
Cirque de Troumouse(ow)
> )
Col des Borderes , Salles s(u) : Boo-Silhen
> Labat d'Aucun > Col de Borderes >
Arrens-Massous with sightseeing detour > Aucun
> D918 east > Gez > Ayaz-Ost > Salles
s(u) > Ouzous > Vidalos > bike path south
> Arzeles-Gazost with slow sightseeing detour
> back to starting point in Boo-Silhen: 33.6m
with 4124ft of climbing in 3:33hrs (garmin etrex30
Notes: The Salles s(u) summit has a signed
trailhead to Pic de Pibeste in Salles. Apparently
one of the best viewpoints from the foothills into
the central high Pyrenees - also a trailhead to
Col d'Andorre in Sere.
Cycling - Tour de France: Surprisingly
this small road through relatively normal scenery -
normal only when compared to these locally generally
spectacular surroundings - has been used as a Tour
de France summit, three times, in 1987, 89 and 2018.
Maybe the reason is, that there are just so many
higher nearby summits for, which this is the perfect
addition to make a total killer stage, such as the Col de Tourmalet
and the Col