Louis Lake Rd s(u)
This gravel road loop through the
foothills of the Wind River Range is popular with
all kinds of travelers: drivers, ATVers, I even
say 5 gravel bikers. They were busy getting ready
for a race tomorrow, that includes this road.
The beauty in this loop lies in its
carefreeness. It is not so empty that you have to
worry dying of exposure if anything bad happens.
Yet it is not so busy, that traffic is a problem.
The scenery is pleasant and peaceful forest. There
are also a few moments of uniquely Wyoming scenery
on the north side.

SOUTH:jct WY28 - US278
2.lower jct with Red Canyon Rd
3.upper jct with Red Canyon Rd
4.profile turns right onto FR300 Louis
Canyon Rd, immediately before summit of
South Pass
5.Louis Lake with cabins
6.Fiddler Lake
7.TOP, 9570ft
8.Frye Lake
9.START-END NORTH:jct with Main Street in
From South. The profile
includes most of the approach of Wy28 to historic
old South Pass.
The turnoff is at the second bump in the road,
that I bet anybody riding up here for the first
time would mistake as the summit, and that also
goes for the first bump in the road. Wy28 has one
more bump to go before it gets to the actual
summit of South Pass.
So now we are turning off Wy28 onto
Louis Lake Road. A walk in campground at the
junction seems to be closed. Instead there is a
large parking lot. The first several miles of this
road are very busy with campers and hunters and
ATVs. Then traffic thins out slowly. These high
elevation needle forests, separated by expansive
meadows and craggy outcrops parade by the side of
the road, and this is also a great escape from the
heat. The road just seems to roll along, slowly
gaining a 100ft or so in each step to the next
At the first large lake, there is an
official national forest resort of old huts, in
close proximity of a lake shimmering dark blue. I
keep wondering when that monumental downhill will
start back down to Lander, but there still is
quite a distance to roll along. When the road
crosses the Popo Agie River it is just a peaceful
creek through the woods up here. Hard to believe,
that yesterday, just a few miles further west, it
carves the canyon that was the subject of the
rugged slow journey on wheels and foot the day
When I reach Fiddler Lake I cannot
wait any longer with lunch, because this is the
perfect spot. It is not so much spectacular as it
is peaceful, with that subdued distant lip of high
mountains behind that dark blue wavy surface. Best
lunch spot imaginable for today, with the high
peaks so far away there is no reasonable chance
for an additional out and back to to reach them
today. Just sit by the lake and enjoy the cool
This is also fairly close to the
summit point on the road - just one more lazy
curve to the top. The top is a broad but well
defined saddle in the trees. A sign labels the
elevation (9574ft?), and calls the spot the Blue
Mountain Historic Trail.
North. (described downwards) This side has a
different character and the profile is a dead
give-away for this.
Rather than rolling from one wooded knoll to the
next, the road has now crossed over into wedge
country - the straight sage covered cliffs, that
gently but resolutely finish off the Wind River
Range in a set of ramps on the east side. This is
a more geometrically pleasing landscape, more
surrealistic too. Still the road traverses between
the two faces of the Wind River Mountains. One or
two far views reach to rugged peaks, where the
range crests. But peeks into that peaks landscape
are far away and rare. Then a fast descent gets
only faster, when the road hits pavement, still 16
miles before Lander. The sage covered wedges in
the landscape congregate to form gates, and the
road responds with a flurry of switchbacks before
it passes through them - with a total of several
times the degrees of curvature than the rest of
the loop combined. When the road enters Sinks
State Park, the wide lazy streets of Lander are
not far away.
cLiCk on image , arrows ,
or thumbnails to advance slideshow
Dayride with this point as
highest summit
( < Limestone Rd
s(u) | South Pass >
Louis Lake Rd s(u) : jct Wy28 - upper Red
Canyon Rd > up Wy28 > south on FR300 Louis
Lake Rd > Louis Lake Rd s(u) > Lander with
short shopping detour > US287 south > Wy28
south back to starting point at jct Wy28 - upper
Red Canyon Rd: 67.6miles with 5900ft of climbing
in 6:36 hrs (garmin etrex32x m5:23.09.08).
Notes: the time is a close approximation.
Battery ran out during last 45 minutes of ride.
But I reconstructed it with the identical part
of the route from yesterday
( < ... | Union
Pass > )
same summit point: near jct FR300
Louis Lake Rd > south on FR300 Louis Lake
Rd > Louis Lake Rd s(u) > Lander with detour
> US287 south > Wy28 south back to jct
with Louis Lake Rd: 73.4m with 5780ft of climbing
in 5:55hrs (avocet50 or cateye cycle computer:
m2:96.9.3) (pics t96_2-42)
Notes: basically the same loop as above from a
higher starting point and more short exploratory
out and backs